
Hi there. Just wanted to stop by and say “go fuck yourself”. No, really. Go fuck yourself.

engaging in this kind of ‘whataboutism’ only diminishes the damage and harm being caused by Putin right now. You have a very valid point about US imperialism, but keep it in it’s own lane where it should receive it’s own concentrated fire and not be diluted by what’s coming to Putin.

100% accurate, and a lot of people would do better for themselves if they more better understood this. Many of the academics and the institutions themselves are quite liberal, but the boards that run them know what they’re doing and what their job is; to make mad bank.

So, why exactly _aren’t_ they moving forward with this? A solid majority of Americans want it, and I’m certain it would help get a lot of people to the polls as a bedrock issue. It seems like a no-brainer to me.

Nailed it. I think sometimes some of the ‘authors’ on this site are secretly in a competition with each other to out-cool-kid their way to the brass ring. Also, referring to Warren Buffet as not being interesting is a pretty laser focused way of saying “I don’t understand very much”.

You seem like not an expert on any of this. Virtually everything you wrote is either just flat out wrong, or seriously misinformed, or basically just a negative opinion. Being the loud, cranky kid in the room isn’t all that cool man. How about next time you contribute something?

If you’re going to provide evidence or information, it’s best to do so by not pointing to an article hidden behind a paywall. I looked into this a bit further and found some information from the LA Times, and it seems that things are not quite as willy-nilly as you’re making them out to be. All requests are being

I wouldn’t count on it. Just sayin’. Apple has made it’s reputation confounding common sense.

While I don’t disagree with any of your feelings about organized religion or these sleazy people and ‘Prosperity Gospel’ in general, your writing would really benefit from some editing and toning things down a bit. As I’m reading your article, it felt a bit like you were whipping yourself into a sort of a frenzy, and

Telling people that obesity is not healthy is not ‘fat phobic’. I mean, tear that comment apart in however way you want, but it isn’t. Even large(r) people know this is true.

Not sure if you’re being serious or not here, but the point of you getting as far away from AOL as fast as possible is because in the history of it’s transformation into various iterations of a “media” company, you can bet your bippy at some point managing and maintaining those email services are going to be

Yes, because both sides are the same. Did I get that correctly?

I have Googled this and simply can’t find anywhere else that says any of this with any kind of proof or first hand witnesses. I don’t doubt this has probably occurred in some sense of it, but you’re implying a fairly large scale. Can you provide us with more sources, or really anything? 

“his products are all shoddy garbage full of problems and design flaws”.

Right. I mean, I get the gnawing jealousy here, and there are even quite a few worrisome issues around Tesla the company and Musk the man, no doubt. But when you reduce your criticisms to such extreme and almost laughable points, you reduce your

You’re off a decimal point, but the overall idea is still valid.

I think that’s a really cool idea, but honestly the logistics of getting women to and from there safely and conveniently just seems insurmountable. 

Ya, except: Chrysler. Legendary lack of reliability. They make beautiful vehicles, no doubt, but I don’t know a single person that has owned a Chrysler without some form of horror story or another, up and down their food chain from Jeep to Ram and everything in between. I owned a Ram that stranded me on three

I’m so confused by your math here. You extrapolated what individual horses eat to what 150 horses eat, but then you forgot to add the grain to the hay? They’re eating 7,800lbs per day, not 6000lbs. So, more than a Ford F-350 if you want to keep the Ford comparison rolling. Or... you could say “consume” instead of eat”

You’re looking for “draft horse”.

No offense intended Wes, but these def do not come with any kind of little pouch. They’re just packaged in the standard plastic flat pack.

No offense intended Wes, but these def do not come with any kind of little pouch. They’re just packaged in the