Bingo, and exactly this.
“yes we stop”. Well, right there it is. Yes, you stop. My Tundra only gets about 300 miles on a full tank so I’m stopping at a minimum at least three times during your described trip, and an 850 mile trip is basically a full 17 hours of driving. No thanks.
An EV that can get 300 miles of range is all the more range…
I would not exactly call driving at 70mph for the entire test “hypermiling”. You may or may not be stretching things a tad.
That is extremely uncool, whoever you are. I’d suggest that out of common decency you delete your comment.
This is such a cool car, wish I had the money for it!
Perfect execution and dismount!
I’d like to know what marketing person thought a vehicle that would have models with off road capabilities and/or focus would be best served with the name Delica.
Also, am I not allowed to post here or not? Seems like it worked for a while, but now only some people can post comments? The interaction with other folks is…
I don’t think the comments are “back on”. I suspect that GM is in fact trying to fire sale everything. This borked comment section is partially why it’s all gone down hill.
That isn’t true at all, and isn’t based in any data unless you can provide some that supports it.
Typical R bullshit. He did seem genuinely surprised in himself which in and of itself isn’t actually surprising that he would do something like that.
Also, am I still “in the greys”? I’ve been a Gawker visitor now for well over a decade, used to be able to comment all the time, but for some time now when I occasionally…
Exactly my take.
I had absolutely no idea just how staggeringly high those numbers are. Zip. Zilch. Half a million Americans were raped or sexually assaulted in just the past 1-2 years?? And 65K of them were violently impregnated? And 80% of all sex related crimes go un-reported? JFC, what kind of awful hell-hole do we live in here?…
These folks aren’t interested in learning anything.
A million times this.
Very much this. I see that typo so many times I question my own sanity.
More pics man! Your review was pretty good, your writing continues to improve, and it was very informative. However there’s not a single pic of the bike from the side or rear. Yes, I could just pop off and go to their website, or another website, but wouldn’t that be contrary to the point of relying on Jalop for that…
I envy you! I would have loved to have seen a live performance of his. And I have no doubt either that he would have 100% _probably_ hated it, but would have also probably been fascinated by it as well. He was a highly intelligent and inquisitive guy.
It’s fine to hate on it, etc. I’m not a fan of it either. But to say you wouldn’t recognize this as an approximation of Carlin’s voice and style is just not plausible. It’s _very_ recognizable. You don’t need to mischaracterize it in that way to make your point.
These are all valid statements.