When the article title includes “Looks Like”, you should at least make an attempt to include some of the renders/pics Honda has allowed to circulate. This site has become so low effort.
When the article title includes “Looks Like”, you should at least make an attempt to include some of the renders/pics Honda has allowed to circulate. This site has become so low effort.
Bingo, and exactly this.
“yes we stop”. Well, right there it is. Yes, you stop. My Tundra only gets about 300 miles on a full tank so I’m stopping at a minimum at least three times during your described trip, and an 850 mile trip is basically a full 17 hours of driving. No thanks.
An EV that can get 300 miles of range is all the more range…
I would not exactly call driving at 70mph for the entire test “hypermiling”. You may or may not be stretching things a tad.
That is extremely uncool, whoever you are. I’d suggest that out of common decency you delete your comment.
Could you PLEASE update the title of this. JFC that’s annoying.
Right? I mean, it’s not bad at all in my opinion, and this is only a trailer so far. It may not even contain some of the better effects yet.
This writer seems to fall into the whole “I’ll shit on a beloved director/producer to prove what an edge lord I am” nonsense.
Man, you really gotta tone down this whole “I’m in the kool kids klub” schtick and reconsider being so dang extremist in your views on filmmaking. Zemeckis does not have “a lot going against him”, and he has not made “some of the worst movies of all time”. He’s not exactly one of my favorite filmmakers, but the guy is…
What is wrong with you that you think this looks so bad? More like bad _ass_! This looks like a really funny and fun film, can’t wait!
Also it’s not a krampus “kink” fight club. It’s slap fighting which is a real thing. (sadly enough)
You may be over reacting here, sir. Or Ma’am.
I don’t think they’re identical twins. I could tell they weren’t (at least I think so), and it was very distracting for me occasionally.
Or allowing actual people to contribute to comments?
“Tell us what you think of the new trailer below”. Which I could, Germain, wish I could. You’ll notice (or likely not) that my comments are simply never allowed into the conservation. Why? I don’t know. I’ve been a frequent visitor to the Gawkerverse for a very long time, and I’m pretty sure I predate a whole lot of…
Totally agree. As a matter of fact, I watch enough Youtube for both professional and personal reasons that it would be worth a lot more than that. I don’t understand people who don’t understand the value proposition that a Youtube sub brings.
This is such a cool car, wish I had the money for it!
Perfect execution and dismount!
I’d like to know what marketing person thought a vehicle that would have models with off road capabilities and/or focus would be best served with the name Delica.
Also, am I not allowed to post here or not? Seems like it worked for a while, but now only some people can post comments? The interaction with other folks is…
And don’t forget, only commenters that have been specially selected by some arcane process get to make the cut, regardless of how shitty they are. I’ve been visiting Gizmodo for 10+ years now, and have a grand total of probably 10 comments because somehow none of that matters. This site is just about done, and they’ll…
Methinks you’ve missed the point here! Using the 3.5" cable completely eliminates the need for batteries altogether.
I’m not sure who out there thinks that $80 is “dirt cheap” for a pair of earbuds. More affordable than Apple’s other line, sure, but relative to the rest of the world that definitely puts them outside of budget type buds.