John Seminario

I guess Hugh Jackman realizes that even a superhero with a mutant healing factor can still be done to death.

"Carol, grab my hand!"

I like the thought of Carol wanting to know whether or not the Saviors killed anyone in Rick's group, and wanting that not to be the case so she doesn't feel compelled to fight, but I don't like that the entire thing essentially boils down to "if I kill one more person, I'll be lost forever."

What? Of course it's plural.

That Spider-Man love message always makes me remember the flaming bat symbol from The Dark Knight Rises. Bruce Wayne, who somehow makes it back to Gotham and is on an extremely time-sensitive mission, decides to spend who knows how long up on that damn bridge to light that symbol so that he can… send a message, I

Rosita suddenly being pissy with her new not-friend Sasha seems super out of place at a time when the entire group seems to be coming together. Also, that boot wearing person at the end of the mid-season finale is probably Dwight, right? Thinking about defecting and spying on Negan for Rick? Oh, and what are the odds

I actually think The Phantom Menace might be the best of the prequels. Attack Of The Clones is obviously the worst, but even Revenge Of The Sith had a fair amount of awkward romance scenes. Never mind the fact that ROTS takes itself way too seriously, only drawing more attention to the fact that it's still not good.

I'm usually against something like this and still am to an extent, but if they do decide to do this, it would be neat to see it show up as a Netflix thing. Seems like there would be less of a chance to milk it for multiple seasons that way.

I actually consider Episode I to be the best of the prequels because it at least feels like it's trying to have fun. AOTC is just as bad, and made even worse by all of the godawful romance, and ROTS is so busy being dark (and still bad) that it forgets to have any fun at all.

I agree with most that these two episodes are arguably the worst in the season, but I do like what they ended up doing with Aunt Josephine's death. In the movie (and the books too, I believe) Josephine gives into her fears and even offers the children to Count Olaf. I get that her being terrified is her whole thing as

They're only doing this so you'll HAVE to watch Planes 2!

Man was asking for it, really.


The henchman with the indeterminate gender is pretty great too. Also, I read these books cover to cover countless times as a kid, but still somehow managed to fall for the parent twist at the end of episode seven. I like how that was done a lot.

Did that man really just say Reptile House…?

I liked Hitman because it defied expectations. Many people, myself included, were initially skeptical when it was announced that the game would be released episodically. There are few people out there who enjoy the thought of putting money down in advance for something that may or may not deliver the goods, especially

Subpar Mario Run

You gotta think bigger, man. Obviously the line is referencing the second Death Star, but you know how these Disney execs like to tease cameos for movies to come later.

This movie should have a character named Manny Bothans.

I think this show is real bad now, but I thought Negan got there earlier than he was supposed to, as he did in the previous episode where he took all their guns. He drove Carl back, and Spencer/Rosita/Eugene all seemed surprised to see the Saviors in the community when they returned. Hence the "Rick is out there right