John Seminario


I think a photoshopped image of that stupid bat diving in front of the President to take a shot for him could be pretty funny.

He was, yeah. He dropped the sandwich for Daryl in the cell and purposefully left the door unlocked as a test because Negan wanted to prove to Daryl he had eyes everywhere.

I don't remember what made me think this, but it might've been super cool to see Rosita actually kill JDM, only to discover that he has been playing "Negan" like everyone else, and then the real Negan comes out and does some bad shit or something, I don't know. That would've been super dumb, but this whole season has

The Fat Joe thing seems to be the writers attempting to show that not all of Negan's men are bad and that some of them are just doing what they need to do to survive, while also showing that Daryl is fed up with this shit and not looking to give people the benefit of the doubt anymore, but making Fat Joe the one to

I bet Rosita feels like a real dumbass being the first one on the show to miss a headshot in, like, 4 years.


I thought Nice Guys came out this year.

I was genuinely taken aback seeing this many characters in one episode.

True, but Deanna explicitly told Rick that they had pretty much been holed up their since the start of the outbreak, even stating that the military told them to make their way there. So it was early enough for the military to still be around and trying to escort people to safe zones. I'm sure that not all of these

Every new community or potential threat these writers toss into the mix is one more new community or potential threat that the Alexandrians somehow miraculously avoided for fuck-knows-how-long before Rick and his people showed up.

What bothers me is the complete lack of communication to the people who supported them. Talk shit all you want about THPS5 (because it was a shit show of a game), but kudos to Robomodo for responding to angry consumers, releasing numerous patches - they were even giving away free copies of the game through Twitter for

Back before the premier, I thought Morgan would have been the best possible victim. His no killing policy would have MAYBE justified leaving Negan alive because Rick could pull a "that's what Morgan would have wanted," but now Morgan seems to realize that killing is okay sometimes, and he was off somewhere else

I liked The Force Awakens up until the cool, new characters were forced to play second fiddle to some fan-favorite characters, who maybe shouldn't have been so heavily shoehorned into the movie to begin with.

"The show is so stupid that it thinks we're stupid, prays we're stupid…"

Well, I was going to watch it, but apparently I shouldn't.


This is the one where Rey finds out she's the reincarnation of the chosen one, right?

I'm still deciding if I even want to commit to hate watching the show at this point. Do you think there will be enough people in the reviews to complain with to justify it?

I wanted to keep being suprised. :/