John Seminario

Sorry. :/

I'm still patiently awaiting the inevitable "I wish my uncle Dale was here, he was always so good in these situations. Too bad he moved to Atlanta not too long ago."


Seeing trailers in theaters used to be cool. I actually looked forward to seeing what movies were coming out in the next few months. With pretty much all of them premiering online nowadays though - and being someone who typically always watches them online - they just feel stupid and unnecessary. I never thought a

Unskippable Cutscene: Bad/10

Hello There will always be one of the best opening show songs I've ever heard.

Currently playing Quantum Break. I haven't actually ever played Alan Wake, but I've heard several people call it one of the best games of its time, and Quantum Break certainly isn't that. Choosing to see it as a completely self-aware parody of bad Syfy shows helps a lot though - whether or not that was what Remedy was

I haven't actually ever played Alan Wake, but I've heard several people call it one of the best games of its time, and Quantum Break certainly isn't that. Choosing to see it as a completely self-aware parody of bad Syfy shows helps a lot though - whether or not that was what Remedy was going for - and the combat is

Just blow up the school full of children, Marvel.

Hate it there… Don't tell anyone though! I'm not allowed to say that.

If I wanted to hear blues covers, I'd go to literally any bar on a Saturday night.

I have a friend like yours. My other friends and I make fun of him a lot.

We gave you these gays and now WE'RE TAKING THEM AWAY!

Ideal Season 7 Opening:

Strike One: Rick isn't supposed to be the leader anymore.

Are the writers actively trying to make people stop watching? I'm seriously asking. Do they not want to do the show anymore? Maybe they're purposefully making poor decisions to get the show canceled. Plus, then they'll have an excuse for an unsatisfying series finale.

But Carol is apparently suicidal now. And I'm sure it's going to be some sort of over-the-top version of suicidal. Whatever the equivalent to blowing up a cannibal factory is, I guess.

Also, how did those Saviors know that Rick & Co. would choose then to make a trip to Hilltop? Did they arrange Maggie's pregnancy complications? Or did they just sit out at those roads all day every day until Rick and the others actually had to go somewhere?

Is this how the show ends? No more camera man?

I'm done watching the show. Shamelessly screwing with viewers is not suspenseful, nor good television. What they pulled with Glenn was bad enough. This is a brand new level of terrible.They stalled all season to make it to this, and then they refused to let it play out in even a remotely satisfying way. I think it was