John Seminario


Maybe she was crying because she subconsciously somehow knew that her great character would inevitably be made to play second fiddle to a different fan-favorite character who maybe shouldn't have been so heavily shoehorned into this movie.

Same for me. The people who seem to hate RE5 the most seem to be the people unfortunate enough to attempt a solo playthrough, which I'm sure is terrible.

It's like the writers wanted to keep a possible threat out there that could likely make a return some day, but in the most unsatisfying, nonsensical way possible.

Rumor has it, the show is going to cut to black right before they do.

Come on, Carol, make sense!

Are you telling me he's not dead? CAN YOU CONFIRM THIS?!?!?!?!?

Have you seen Batman V Superman yet, Spidey? I hear it's not very good.

Miscarriage is probably actually the case, for sure. Although, that doctor at Hilltop is pretty far away, isn't he?

What the heck, The Walking Dead? It took literally 24 minutes just to get back to the too-vague-to-possibly-be-interesting cold open, and nothing even happened beforehand. Sure, Daryl leaves to track down those damn Saviors, so what? Could that not have taken place after? Speaking of those damn Saviors, why are they

Maggie is pregnant with a zombie baby? Is that what was happening there? Also, wouldn't it be so awesome if they actually did just shoot Daryl in the head? I mean, they obviously didn't, but a man can dream.

Stop stalling.

This game only has a handful of campaign missions because nobody likes long division.

People don't shoot people! Some people just CHOOSE to run into other peoples bullets!


Microsoft was technically right. Nothing says "zero chill" like "I hate the Jews."

Iron Man 2: Tony Stark is dying, but it never feels like a big deal. Also, he's drinking a lot, but not nearly enough for them to actually call attention to his comic book counterpart's alcoholism. Stark creates a brand new element that, according to Jarvis, cannot actually be made. Tony decides to make the element.

I wanted to be surprised. :/

Batman V Superman: None More Black Review - Iron Man 2 had to be better than something, I guess.

Did you say "The Walking Dead" needs to stop?