John Seminario

It's Jen Larry!

It's obvious to me now that Abraham just has a huge thing for black chicks. First he tries hitting on Michonne at their welcome party back in season 5, and now he's gunning for Sasha. No matter. I'm sure Rosita will have no problem finding a date by the time prom roles around.

T-Dog saved Carol, though! That means that T-Dog is still partially responsible for every group of survivors she blows up!

There was a scene way back in season 2 (18 Miles Out, I think) where Rick cut his hand and rubbed the blood on a fence, attracting a nearby zombie.

What do you mean? Didn't you see the smoking lady get killed by one of the Wolves?!? How unexpected!

At this point, it's disgustingly obvious that Glenn is still alive, right? I'm not saying it makes sense (because the writers clearly created a situation too ridiculous to reasonably justify him making it out) - and him having a straightforward, not-remotely-up-in-the-air death in that moment certainly would've been

"…at a certain point, being sad about all those dead fictional people we never met is just not enough to hold my interest."

He walked it through the woods, I think, to stop whoever may still be chasing him down from hearing it.

More and more, I find myself not using VATS in combat. The improved-upon gunplay and the fact that it doesn't actually stop time anymore - not to mention the fact that my goddamned character misses shots in VATS all the time - makes it feel like a chore more than the necessity that it was in Fallout 3. We'll see what

Short / Not Super Interesting Story: Dogmeat was my companion for a while because I never had the heart to send him back home. I finally did, though, when I met Piper outisde of Diamond City. "I'm totally gonna get with this chick!" I thought to myself. I also thought she might be useful considering she had, you know,

I'd love to see Dave Grohl remake March Of The Penguins. Can you imgine how cool those penguins would look backed by Germs / Naked Raygun montages?

I've been focusing almost exclusively on Sanctuary. When I say that, though, I essentially mean that I just ran through the space in build mode dismantling everything I possibly could for parts. I completed the quest from the Minute Man, but so far that just means there's a small shack with six beds surrounded by

"…DC movies like Man Of Steel and the upcoming Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice, are, for better or for worse, distinctive." - Sponsored By: Dark & Brooding


What a story!

Nemo should go looking for his mom- oh wait…

Great Job, Internet!

Everybody always freaks out when somebody tweets about blowing up an airport, but nobody bats an eyelash when I tweet about blowing up the world.

The speech, in general, seems like a downgrade. Half the time, I'm not really sure what it is my character's actually going to say, and it's significantly more stressful to try for a speech opportunity without the success percentage on the side. Does that look more yellow or orange to you…? I literally had one guy ask
