John Seminario

Maryl & Derle

The opening scene with Rick was pretty much the highlight of the episode for me, though I would've loved to have seen how the ass he actually made it out of the RV in the first place (presumably through the window). Why can't this show ever keep the goddamned momentum up?

Could be worse. It could be "Mr. Yo" sitting on the couch.

How did Aaron know that the quarry barriers broke off? I mean, I guess maybe somebody could've told him…?

Rick's new girlfriend is STILL baking cookies!

Maggie has confirmed that Glenn is alive by erasing his name from the wall! Good job, Maggie! It's obvious to me now that we're not going to actually find out that Glenn is [obviously] still alive, [you dumb morons, how could you not think that?!?] until the season finale. Also, Ron is totally gonna get Carl shot. By


Who's scruffy-lookin'?

1) Hold onto it unless it's either the same piece of armor (obviously) or you legitimately believe that you'll never use it. Different armor works well for different situations and I'm always swapping between helmets/gauntlets.

"Is this a card of… me?!"

With any luck, the entire plot of the movie will revolve around Geralt winning a high-stakes Gwent tournament.

I couldn't believe how many fucking times my friends and I had to fight that same goddamned boss…

I realize that Ubisoft couldn't have ever predicted the inevitable powerhouse that Assassin's Creed would become via yearly installments, or how the games would gradually change over time as they kept going - and that the present-day story isn't really of much concern to even the developers at this point - but it kind

I like these posters a lot. They all seem to rhyme with each other. It's like poetry.

Somebody sounds a little too angry about this, and it's not NBC.

"I wanna be the car!" - Actor

Great Job, Internet!

Did somebody say Far Cry 3?

The fact that this article even exists obviously means he's not dead.

I know he didn't actually die because I wasn't super devastated, and I know I will be when he actually bites the bullet. (I really hope I'm right.)