John Seminario

Did he get bitten? Because that's kind of what I thought. It looked like he was about to tell Daryl something pretty heavy before the Wolves interrupted him.

The ambiguity of the death and the actual lineup of the episodes totally makes me believe that Glenn is still alive. As the video stated, Nicolas clearly landed on top of Glenn, so those could absolutely 100% be his intestines being munched on. Also, I think it's totally reasonable for Glenn to be screaming his ass

I would genuinely like to know if the game is still fun for someone who can do this.

Queen should make a thai restaurant called Thai Your Mother Down.

I live about five minutes away from a BBQ place owned by Iron Maiden's drummer. It actually may be some of the best BBQ I've ever had in my life. The only downside is occasionally having to see Iron Maiden's drummer.


How am I supposed to be excited for this while all of these crazy lunatics are acting like… CRAZY LUNATICS?!

Should we just consider this more season premier?

I thought Morgan was walking into the armory at first. After Carol's whole "Shoot whatever walks through that door" speech to that one woman, I really thought it was coming.

Totally agree. I just watched Jurassic World today too. Angsty teenagers are quickly becoming my least favorite character archetype.

Daryl wants to recruit people, Aaron will most likely now be against doing that, and both of them will still probably end up kissing at some point.

How in God's name can that angsty, beanie-headed fuck continue to be moody about everything and everyone around him when he literally just got saved from being impaled? Man oh man… Carol was incredible this episode, and the fact that she wasn't blowing crap up with a lead pipe and fireworks makes it much more

[…unless you shoot him.]

Because the plan was working perfectly up until some sort of outside force (maybe the new bad guys or maybe something else) screwed it all up. Even Carter saw that and gave Rick the ol' handshake of approval. Granted, nobody in the town knew how the plan was going, so maybe they'll still blame Rick, but he's got a

Somebody shoot that angsty piece of shit right under his beanie.


I wonder if we've literally already seen the end of the whole "Rick's gonna get us all killed" story line that the trailer so heavily focused on. I guess maybe Carter's death / the whole plan going to shit in the last few minutes (despite it not being the plan's fault) may sway people's opinions, but I guess we'll

50 Shades Of Play

Man, I just want a full McCartney / surviving members of Nirvana collaboration. "Cut Me Some Slack" owned.

From what I've heard, created characters not filling support roles is actually a bug Harmonix is looking to fix. It was always nice seeing the game swap in my one friend's character for vocals exclusively for female-sung songs. He was a dude.