John Seminario

I'm afraid for Glenn's life what with the whole "90 minute season finale" thing and all. He's gradually gotten much more screen time, he's slowly becoming the voice of reason, and there's obviously already been some not-so-subtle baseball bat foreshadowing going on. If any character up to this point deserves an

The girl version of Carl - I think her name was Edith? - very possibly took the gun. Rick was out in the wild, Carl was following the girl, Carl runs into Rick. What that actually means, though, who knows. I saw somebody else suggest that she may be linked to some sort of nefarious outside group, which would make

Every politician has that one shitty kid.

Beards are cool, man. The lumber-sexual is in.

Rick shaved his beard. Am I the only one sincerely bothered by this? C+

I'm not super big on change. I want to say the universe that Lemony Snicket created with "A Series Of Unfortunate Events" because an afterlife where everything goes wrong for me and the worst possible thing always happens wouldn't seem so different from a life where everything goes wrong for me and the worst possible

"That's not in the budget!"

Sounds like it would only take you a week or two anyway.

I saved Doug. I don't deserve this…

I hate tombs.

I'm surprised they failed to even touch on the whole "people can't actually fall through the floor into a dark, empty void" thing.

I bet this movie will be "even funnier than The Hangover 2!"

The toughest thing about that, I think, is the fact that they've already sort of shown us that they're not going to do that. We've seen them (granted, we haven't actually SEEN them) build up the prison, we've seen Woodbury, etc. Both of those places had homes, and crops, and lights - Woodbury even had Friday night


Rick's decisions have been pretty on point this season, I think. He's the one that wanted to go back and kill everyone at Terminus post escape, but the group and their "morals" changed his mind.

The last time Archer and the gang dismissed something crazy Krieger was going on about was when he told them there were Krieger clones and, well, there WERE Krieger clones. You'd definitely think someone would've entertained the thought of the aliens.

The opening showed so much promise too… "Who's on the phone, cancer?"

I haven't picked up this game and I probably won't for a long time, if ever. It strikes me as the kind of game that gets boring either relatively quickly, or right away if you don't have friends to play it with. At best, this seems like a single game mode stretched out into a full $60 release with pretty much nothing

"You've been out there, but you have no idea what it is to be hungry." - Gareth

Eugene once asked Tara what kind of gamer she was before the outbreak. Not too many people probably wanna talk to Eugene right now though, I imagine…