John Seminario

Andrew Lincoln also had a pretty good post-Lori-death episode where he essentially goes on a speechless rampage through the prison. He doesn't have a line of dialogue until the very end, which - spoiler alert I guess - was him answering the non-existent phone call.

My favorite character is Rick's new red shirt.

Maguire is my pick as well. Also, a new Spider-Man film is set to take place after this. Tobey Maguire could play Spidey for Civil War and sort of unofficially close his career with the MCU for the solo film where he either dies off or retires where they could then hypothetically introduce someone like Miles Morales.

These deaths are honestly just confusing me at this point. They just seem off. I'm no show runner, but I stand by the fact that Carol would've been a much better candidate for death in 508 than Beth was. And now we've got Tyreese who, everything else aside, certainly would've and probably should've been the next to

Having still never actually watched Breaking Bad (I'm working on it, friends that keep telling me I need to see it already!) I'm wondering if Better Call Saul will be a better or worse experience for me.

"That's my ice cream cone!"

The pioneers used to drive these babies for miles! And it's in great shape!

"Tell that guy that you know karate, and that you're gonna tie him in a knot if he doesn't give you back your metal detector!"

Whenever I play games, I usually like to make it feel as real as possible. I find that I tend to feel more immersed in the world if I make my way gingerly down a corridor / street / whatever than when I sprint recklessly down the middle of the road. However, I almost always hit a point where I start wanting to speed

"It's not racist if it's true!"

You can't possibly expect me to believe that this kid couldn't find a gun to bring to school in Texas.

Rings don't kill people! People kill people!

Not necessarily the same thing, but seeing games on current gen be ported to the previous console was also pretty crazy when I was little. I remember playing THPS 4 on the PS1 and being blown away by how much better it was when I finally played it on the PS2.

I heard somewhere that Toy Story 3 was actually the very last game out. Then again, I could've misheard it. "Toy Story 3 was the very last [AAA] game released on the PS2."

What the heck is a Super Smash Bros.?

My friends and I played Destiny. We're still playing Destiny. I don't even know why. Back when I was younger, my friend and I would play THPS games all night. We wouldn't really compete or anything either. We'd just kind of free skate around a level and get those signature million point combos that anyone who

As a person who actually likes owning a physical copy of something, and someone who listens to music primarily in a car with a great CD player, AND someone who's finding it harder and harder to actually want to listen to music on my phone, I like buying CD's. I buy vinyl because I consider it pretty much equivalent to

I thought for sure that AJ would somehow end up being watched by Trinette.

I gave up after Civil War. Spider-Man was fucked. He was running red lights, and making deals with Mephisto, and trying to stop his aunt from dying and I just couldn't put up with it anymore. Then they pretty much restarted the series and I completely lost interest.

Why would they edit these movies at all? THEY WERE SO GOOD! We got to see Gandalf battle with other wizards, and they even BROUGHT BACK LEGOLAS! And RADAGAST was SO FUNNY!