
Identifying with a victim’s situation, social-location and/or trauma makes women feel so incredibly vulnerable that they start building walls immediately instead of empathizing. “That couldn’t be me because of ___” is easier to stomach then “There but for the grace of God go I.” I see a parallel in dudes who are like,

The “just world” fallacy.

Excellent point. I never thought of women victim blaming other women in that light. It makes perfect sense.  

Nice call-back.

We always want the bad thing not to be our fault. What’s the first thing people ask when they hear someone has lung cancer? “Did s/he smoke?” And if the answer is yes, you can think, OK, I don’t smoke so lung cancer isn’t in my future - when of course we know that non-smokers can get lung cancer. After Sandy Hook, I

I think that ties into #8. You hear a lot of “couldn’t be me” when something happens. After the Kavanaugh hearings, I was watching a panel of people on CNN who were asked what they thought and one woman said she 100% believed Christine Blasey Ford. Another woman who did not believe Dr. Ford was like, well, I know if I

Maybe he self-models?

Seriously this. Reminds me of how for Phantom Menace, Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor apparently just could not stop making lightsaber noises. I don’t think there’s any behind the scenes video of that, which is a loss to all of us honestly.

It has a real Lewis Carroll feel to it.

In Europe, it’s a Battle Royale with cheese.

I mean, we have literal evidence that Snyder can’t see the forest for the trees. 

Yeah, I only realized how much reappraising of actresses’ careers as I was writing that comment. I already knew this was a mess, I didn’t realize exactly how big of a mess untangling all that shit would and will be.

I posted on a different thread that it reminded me of this

I mean, he’s also an evil scrooge, but yeah, seeing who is playing Jafar made this feel like I’m watching a CW television series.

I completely forgot Black Panther and Infinity War came out this year. It feels like last year already.

Did Han just spend the entire night spooning an unconscious Luke inside that hollowed-out Tauntaun or what? If so, was he the big spoon, or did he wear Luke like a blanket?

But you can hack the voting process like Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Florida etc... have / are doing. Eliminate or reduce early voting; bogus exact match requirements; onerous voter registration /identification requirements; issue defective voting machines to minority districts/reservations; curtail the number of