
Oh, hey, that’s such a great idea! When my trans son gets the crap beat out of him by someone who watched a Dave Chappelle special and decided to show that he’s “Team TERF” out in the real world, I can tell him to just not listen to those fists! Just click the little X up in the corner, son, and those violent acts

“Masses of people messing with his livelihood” implies that he is somehow entitled to a Netflix special. His livelihood is to say things that entertain people. If “masses of people” are not entertained, then he has FAILED TO DO HIS FUCKING JOB and should be fired. That’s not “censorship”, any more than a doctor is

Cool. I’m declaring myself officially a comedian now, and if Netflix doesn’t give me $24 million dollars to stream my special about how small Dave Chappelle’s dick is, we’ve reached full fascism. That’s just how it works, people!

Might be worth noting in the article that Hannah Gadsby very specifically called out Ted Sarandos on Twitter for implying that she supported Chappelle, saying (among other things):

Oh, I disagree. Finn at the end of Force Awakens had gone some way along his journey—he was willing to risk his life for the people he cared about. Finn at the end of Last Jedi was willing to sacrifice himself for an ideal, and you could see how he arrived at that point. I think that he didn’t get a ton of meaningful s

Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I think a sequel’s a good idea. I’m just saying that there are movies out there that are a lot less popular and beloved that turned into franchises much faster. Fucking Leprechaun got eight goddamn movies and we still haven’t seen a Klowns 2? That’s kind of weird.

I don’t know that I’d go so far as to say that “Disney never tells its actors anything”. Paul Bettany said he knew about WandaVision the whole time he was filming Infinity War. He said he thought he was being called in for a meeting to tell him they were killing him off and instead they pitched him a whole new series.

It remains a source of utter gobsmacking mystery to me that the original has become a cult classic this big and there’s just... no desire to do a sequel.

The really wild thing about the creators of Parts: The Clonus Horror suing the people who made The Island? They were tipped off to the IP theft by MST3K fans.

But I gotta admit, I feel like “obviously Brubaker didn’t create Bucky” is kind of sweeping a pretty enormous issue under the rug, here. Like, if you go by the idea that a creator’s wishes and a creator’s rights should be the paramount consideration, then sure, Marvel should cut Ed Brubaker a big check. Which he

I didn’t say you wanted everyone to not like what you don’t like. You want everyone to not have what you don’t like, which is a way bigger asshole move. You didn’t say, “I won’t be watching the new version because of X reasons,” you said, “They shouldn’t make any more because of X reasons.” The implication that only

“I no longer enjoy this thing. Rather than simply not watching it, I wish to deprive everyone of its existence!”

Also, aren’t ducks, um... birds?

Agatha: **introduces herself by saying, “I murdered a puppy!”**

Nah. He’s bound to get into legal trouble before then--Trump could get away with this stuff because he was rich and he could just pay people to go away, but the rest of the Republican party doesn’t have that kind of regular cashflow. That’s why supporting him has worked out so badly for so many of them.

“You don’t dissect the life of a builder and start judging the decisions he makes in his life with his wife and kids,” Apa said. “As an actor, I will be judged on everything: my political opinions, my opinions on drugs, my opinions on the people I want to be with. Everything. It’s something I’ve had to come to

Not if the state of New York has anything to say about it. **rim shot**

And then he goes out and performs it on the “empty” stage, just because he still loves dancing after all those years... um, ‘scuse me, I think there’s some dust in here.

Casey Bloys: “...that adaptation was so from [Damon Lndelof’s] brain it’s hard to imagine somebody else doing it.”

Yes, I do know that telepathy is mind-reading, which is why I suggested that Wanda read the mind of the guy shouting, “Take the shot, take the shot!” and hence wasn’t surprised by the drone shooting at her. But speaking of people being confused about things, you seem to not know what “line of sight” means, because you