
The logic is very simple:

...I know what you mean and it’s very tragic, but I can’t help picturing someone explaining to your grandfather that they want to replace his ass with his knee and it’s a very striking mental image.

I think that even the idea of “meriting absolution” is honestly still kind of perverse, because it turns the whole thing into a transaction. “If I perform X services of contrition, you’re contractually obligated to forgive me and put it behind you” is a terrible message to send to people whose trauma may never fully

Well, being on Fox News in the first place is an automatic 4,700 point deduction, so he’s kind of screwed in the numbers game. But hey, aren’t we all?

I’ve described Pence in the past as “a gray waste of a man who doesn’t have the courage of his horrible convictions.” Nothing about this changes my mind.

I was going to say, “You find this even less plausible than the flying saucers sparing humanity because of a Chicago housewife?” But, y’know... eh.

But if they accept objective reality, then that means accepting that they’re propping up a nascent fascist dictatorship and are horrible human beings. And they know they’re good people, the salt of the earth, true American patriots. So reality must be wrong. It’s the only way to preserve their sense of self!

I think you have it backwards. It’s not “Trump is obsessed with controlling the narrative and that led him to Twitter”, it’s “Trump found Twitter and that gave him a place he could control the narrative”. Trump pre-Twitter was that old guy who had a cameo in one of the ‘Home Alone’ movies.

The only reason I disagree with you is that Trump clearly enjoys having a forum in which it’s ambiguous whether he is speaking in his capacity as citizen or as Commander-in-Chief. “Adam Schiff should be arrested for treason”? That’s just Trump offering his personal opinion, he can’t be held responsible for that.

...right, but so is “being alive”. It’s going to be hard to get past this, regardless of donations, because people who vote for a Presidential candidate want to know that they’re not actually voting for that candidate’s VP.

Oh please. First, there is no evidence that he’s capable of understanding anything less intuitive than Twitter’s “type until you’re out of characters and hit the button” interface. Second, is a government platform, and anything he says there is subject to vetting and regulations. Twitter is valuable to

“RIP to them but I’m different” is how the young people are putting it right now, I believe.

Won’t happen. They’d drag out the impeachment proceedings long enough for Pence to nominate a VP, someone relatively bland and inoffensive, and Pelosi would let them be confirmed because she doesn’t want to look like she’s doing all this for personal gain. We would wind up with President Marco Rubio before we wound up

It absolutely is. There is no substitute for the President’s direct, personal, and immediate outreach to his followers of literally anything on his mind at that second. Yes, he can call press conferences, yes, he can put out press releases, but there’s nothing that has the same ability to disseminate his point of view

And a lot of people on the Internet unironically use “not allowing diversity of opinion” to describe moderating their stupid-ass bullshit. I know which I’d rather be.

Oh, I’m sorry, Rando From the Internet. Did you somehow think that “I categorically find your opinions not worthy of wasting my time on them” was something that entitled you to give me homework assignments? Because there’s a diversity of opinion on that, and I’m fully allowing myself to laugh at you.

Oh, absolutely. This is a man who has moved so far outside the realms of someone reachable by logic that he might as well be a serial killer for the effect he has and the ability we have to affect his belief system.

I completely buy the story that a cop walked into a random room without paying attention, saw a black person existing, and immediately shot them for the crime of “getting all up in my business”. Hell, Tamir Rice got shot for being in a public park in the presence of an officer. It doesn’t take a conspiracy with these

I mean... I’m sure he doesn’t want to, it’s just that when he’s forced to confront the dichotomy between his ideology and reality, he finds it easier to retreat into a comforting fantasy where he doesn’t have to choose. He knows that Abortion Is Bad, but he also knows that it’s unavoidable as a medical necessity. The

They are at great risk of personal embarrassment by making the faux pas of assuming someone’s gender incorrectly! I mean, thankfully this child erred on the side of masculinity, which is always the correct thing to do in the case of any confusion, but this teacher could still have seemed less than authoritative in