
On the other hand, it does seem kind of obvious that the agents’ opposition to this is primarily rooted in the fact that any oversight of their profession could result in them losing access to players’ sweet sweet cash. I think it’s genuinely fair to say that this is two groups of assholes fighting over the right to

“How could anyone possibly think differently from me on [the well-documented and horrifying trend of famous men getting away with serial sexual assault, which you’re trying to shut down a conversation on]. They obviously have ulterior motives.”


Collins was no less obvious a swing vote than Joe Manchin, the fucking Democrat who crossed party lines to say, “Yep! Rapey McBooferson is the guy for me!” And the whole reason Collins had to make her incredibly condescending speech is because everyone basically said, “Excuse me, you’re the Senate’s Official Woman, so

Can I just take a moment to say that I don’t love the fact that everyone is saying, “Susan Collins deserves to lose her Senate seat for this?” Because while it’s true, it is yet another example of the prominent women in a sexual harassment scandal being singled out for special disdain or opprobrium while the men are

And scientists feeling free to explore is important to their profession as well, but if someone is out there arguing that the earth is flat in this day and age, they’re not so much “exploring” as they are “engaging in bullshit that the rest of us are SO fucking over”. You see the analogy I’m crafting here? Racial

“Please, call me Jerry. Mr. Rape-Monster was my father.”

It sounds like it’s about as hard as digging up dirt at a cemetery with this guy.

“If we point out that shitty, unfunny, racist comedians are shitty, racist and unfunny, how will they make a living?” is not the world-beating argument you seem to think it is.

Every good comedian has offended someone. But that doesn’t mean everyone who’s offended someone is automatically a good comedian.

I respectfully disagree. The case for abortion as a fundamental right needs to be articulated, frequently and forcefully and nationally. Every time Democrats don’t talk about abortion, that gives Republicans a chance to set the narrative, and they’re already too good at that because they don’t have to worry about

“Getting them exercise / mental stimulation will help solve a lot of the behavioral issues you see during the day.”

I like pussies, asses, and bitches too much to associate them with this President. Honestly, I think it should be the other way around. We should start calling other terrible people “trumps” until that greasy little shitstain’s name becomes synonymous with the act of being a horrible waste of oxygen.

The only soldiers Republicans love are dead ones. Not too many, mind you, people start getting upset if you have a lot of them, but one or two nice photogenic young men whose dead lips you can stuff with whatever sentiments you want. Living soldiers are... problematic for them.

“What do you mean ‘Lex Luthor isn’t a real person’? I saw him on CBS just the other day talking about foreign policy! He’s got some good ideas on immigration and getting rid of illegal aliens, and I want him as my advisor.”

“I’m whoring myself out for my sugar daddies as hard as I can, but they just leave a handful of twenties on the bed as they go and that shit goes straight up my nose in under an hour.”

Nobody on the EU side really wants a no-deal Brexit, though. Sure, there are a few people here and there fantasizing about making Britain suffer for their mistakes, but most politicians agree that a drag on the economy is not what Europe really needs right now (or ever). I could easily believe this will drag on for

But given that the Republicans are happy to carve out single-case exemptions to the filibuster whenever they want to ram something through the Senate that doesn’t have 60 votes (see rapist, Brett Kavanaugh is a) what’s the benefit of keeping it? What is the point of keeping rules that only one side abides by?

Or more likely, getting handsy with the elves.