
He’d need to do more than just promise—usually contempt charges are ongoing, meaning you sit in jail until you comply. And if Trump actually pardons, that’s probably an abuse of the pardon power and an impeachable offense.

They’re not suing him for the returns, they’re suing the IRS. Cheetolini might not be subject to getting his ass thrown in jail on a contempt charge, but Mnuchin has no such legal protections. If the courts rule against him, he produces them or he does time.

I think that’s kind of a valuable lesson too, though. There’s never going to be a “perfect victim” of sexual assault, there’s never going to be a person who does all the right things and ticks all the right boxes and behaves like someone should behave. It doesn’t mean they’re not still a victim and it doesn’t mean

Oh no. No no no no no. I’ve resorted to name calling because you’re clearly stupid enough that the only purpose to continuing to speak with you is amusing myself. Please don’t misunderstand my giving up on your ability to understand my arguments for not having one.

And literal slavery was ‘standard’ in the antebellum South, but that didn’t make it right. That just meant a lot of people were complicit in a shitty system. It’s literally pathetic that you’re arguing in favor of the oppressor.

Shoe leather it is, then. “Hey, look, we’re all being exploited! That’s, just, like, the way it is! Struggling to free yourself from oppression is futile, the future is a boot stomping on your face forever, and I’m cool with that! Why aren’t you?”

No, she’s saying the practice of owning an artist’s masters, rather than the artist controlling the fate of their own work, is fundamentally exploitative and the people controlling the industry have made that a “take it or leave it” choice that all too many artists have to accept. But hey, you know, you just tell me

That’s it for me. I can dislike some things about Taylor Swift, but in any conflict between an artist and a record company, I’m on the artist’s side.

“She is not some poor abused, starving artist not wise in the ways of the world that ended up penniless.”

I did not expect this comment.

Yep. She’s got my vote.

I’ve heard rumors that Pope Benedict’s sudden retirement was related to his plans to reform the Vatican Bank.

The thing is, all those skills and all those jobs would still be needed. They’d just be government jobs instead of private industry jobs. And the money currently going to your vampiric parasite CEO would instead go to the people who do the work.

Sadly, people will believe what they have to in order to sleep at night. And a lot of conservatives would rather believe that 22 women are engaged in a secret conspiracy to defame a good family man and a great President, a conspiracy probably funded by George Soros and the Spiders From Mars, than accept the fact that

Oh God, it would be so amazing if that was an actual scene in the movie. “Wasn’t your eye patch on the other side last week?” “SHIT!” [gunfire ensues]

The Minnesota Zoo opened when I was three. I have ridden that monorail more times than I can count. It makes me so fucking happy to know it wasn’t just ripped up for scrap.

I still think my favorite element of Doom’s character is that there’s an in-universe explanation for all his monologues; he has recording devices in his armor, and he is literally narrating his thoughts for the benefit of future historians who will undoubtedly want to know what Doom was thinking at his moments of

If you think Kevin McCarthy would let himself get caught in a room with AOC and a running video camera, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. The Republicans are too chickenshit to say this stuff to anyone’s faces.

Other way around. DC announced their slate out to 2020, and acted very smug about their big plans for the future. Marvel did a press conference in response where they were like, “Oh, yeah, by the way we’ve got all this cool shit coming out.” DC couldn’t follow through, while everything but ‘Inhumans’ from that Marvel

Oh God, the final scene alone! “Don’t look directly at the trap, Marion!”