
That hypothetical shooter is a fine young man whose life doesn’t deserve to be ruined, you know.

I would hate to see Ford, Ramirez, et al, have to go through that shit, but I’d love to see them in a position where they can subpoena witnesses and force them to testify under oath. Which is why I can fucking guarantee you that Kavanaugh will never ever ever ever ever sue over this.

It’s important to remember that time was reset to the instant of their deaths. So Maya Rudolph was talking about last season’s Jaguars when she said they were good. For all we know, Bortles’ return to form could be the result of vast cosmic forces at play.

A friend of mine posted that exact screenshot to Tumblr with the caption, “I WENT TO YALE!”

Yeah, I think there’s a certain amount of reasonable expectation management you have to engage in with some games. Hyper-competitive people, in the end, should not be playing a self-professed “party game”, because I don’t believe the objective is to win or lose. Realizing that was a big revelation for me when it came

It is absolutely not possible. These people think “ethics” is a polite way to refer to all those people they’re trying to deport.

India. Columbus’s hypothesis wasn’t that the earth was round—navigators of that era already knew that, it was obvious to anyone who sailed that the earth had to be round for things to come up over the horizon. Columbus believed that the earth was small, small enough that the journey from Spain to India would be

Women are conditioned starting pretty much from birth to prioritize the emotional needs of men over their own. It’s very hard even when all other things are equal for a woman to set the specific boundary of, “No, I do not forgive you and I do not accept your apology, you have hurt me and I still feel that pain,”

Not only that, but he got after Mulaney in a really weird way for Mulaney’s loving and respectful attitude towards his wife. He told Mulaney that he shouldn’t be complimenting her taste, because “every woman thinks she has good taste”, and Mulaney politely interjected that his wife is actually an interior designer and

“Dangit, somewhere along the time a racist con artist took over America, this site got all political! It must have been the management change.”

Yes, I too respond to false allegations with wild, unhinged accusations of a deep-state conspiracy involving Bill Clinton. I also refuse to provide even the slightest shred of a hint of evidence that my enemies cooked up the accusation for political gain and demand that everyone take my word for it. I refuse to call

It would help even more if the existing witnesses were asked to testify under oath.

I am going to assume, for the sake of my own sanity, that this just means you have extremely tiny dinner plates in Australia.

I think that Gen is fixing that particular glitch in reality.

Have you, um... watched the original series? The final episode is about a woman who’s so bitter about being told women can’t command starships that she switches bodies with Kirk, only to find that her uncontrollable feminine hysteria undoes all her plans.

She’s unquestionably bad. But if you could find one principled fucking human being in the group of 49 other Republicans voting yes, it wouldn’t fucking matter. Let’s not forget that in the end, she is not worse than the other shitbirds in her party who combined into Misogynist Voltron to put the blackout drunk and

I think the reason Henry works for me is that he’s so resolutely unbothered by it all. He just keeps cruising along, unperturbed by everything life throws at him, and you’re just like, “Can’t have been that bad, right? Henry’s still happy.”

I agree. It’s very frustrating, because I’m in Minnesota and all I can do is tell Tina Smith and Amy Klobuchar, “Stay the course, you’re doing great and we’re behind you!” Which is swell and all, but it’s not going to do a damned thing to change the outcome. But yes, calling someone else’s senators is pretty useless.

Point well taken. The ownership of a woman’s body is not claimed solely by men.

Dunno, the rest of the movie really makes it look like Ross and Stark are both taking an active role in enforcing it, but they could be operating as adjuncts of the UN. And while “I trust Bucky not to kill people, except when you happen to know the right string of random words to make him your slave” is a great