“One of”? The only Commandment that oily little shitbird hasn’t broken is the one about murder, and that’s from what we know publicly.
“One of”? The only Commandment that oily little shitbird hasn’t broken is the one about murder, and that’s from what we know publicly.
You’re absolutely... well, not really so much right about ‘child murderers’, they do have things like life sentences and the death penalty, but your general point is correct. Criminals serve their time and are allowed back into society.
Here’s the thing, though—I don’t think that what Ansari did was ‘minor’, and I think that he was terrible, genuinely terrible, in a way that we don’t talk about. Everyone here is saying, “Oh, it was just a bad date,” and otherwise trying to minimize this, but ‘Grace’ revoked her consent. She said, very explicitly,…
Most of the fans of the classic series are driven into a frothing, murderous rage by the thought that lots of young women like the series now—young women who have the temerity to be sexually unavailable, no less!
She wins a free trip to New York, and Donald Trump shoots her on Fifth Avenue to the cheers of delighted MAGA hat-wearers.
He should come back when the women who he victimized no longer feel a mix of shame, horror, disgust and loathing when they see his face. Oh, is that never? WELL HE SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE HE FUCKING DID IT.
I’ll be honest—the women that these men victimized are serving a life sentence of having all the same feelings of shock and disgust come right back up again whenever they see these assholes, so why shouldn’t they have to serve a life sentence of keeping the fuck out of the spotlight? There are some things you do that…
Let’s just elect the corpse. Put a pen in its hand and waggle it around, it’s already done everything Trump is capable of without the downsides.
It is not a sandwich, but it is definitely gold and white.
Trump is one of those assholes who will talk shit about you behind your back, talk shit about you to your friends, and talk shit about you where he knows it’ll get back to you...but when you go and speak to him face-to-face, he’s all smiles and doesn’t have any idea how you could have gotten the idea that he doesn’t…
Next you’ll be telling me his diplomacy might not actually warrant a Nobel Peace Prize!
It’s not my community, but the Internet is filled with lots of groups of people with very niche interests and I think that’s generally a good thing. I am not into this particular interest, but I wouldn’t say that’s because of my age and I’d be very cautious about trying to portray it as a sign of cultural superiority…
I think it may be too late. There’s no way he wasn’t aware of this stuff on the campaign trail, and he was certainly informed of the issues of Flynn during his time on the transition staff. He’s in pretty deep on all this.
Yes, I was speaking of it as a practical matter and not a legal one. I don’t think we’ll see that particular piece of legal wisdom challenged in my lifetime.
I took that statement to mean that while cats were domesticated 9,000-10,000 years ago, for most of that period they were domesticated for the purpose of rodent control and not companionship.
Allow me to add a little glug to your glass--as a sitting President, Trump can’t be indicted, but gosh if Eric, Don Jr, and Ivanka aren’t looking down the barrel of some jail time! In a state prison, so Daddy’s pardons can’t do shit for them.
It is absolutely an individual choice. But I don’t think that pointing out that literal actual poison is not good for you is an irresponsible position to take. :)
You’re absolutely right. It is both horrifying and unsurprising. :(
Only if she survived. Dead at the hands of a white dude = “mentally ill lone wolf”.
Perhaps you haven’t heard of a little thing called the British Empire?