
Once they partner with, you’ll be able to buy movie tickets for your dog, too! Now that’s service.

If the Internet has taught me one thing, it is that yes, giving people a platform to spread lies, hate and cruelty does in fact make it more common. Like, that’s so obvious and intuitive that I feel like you should have to justify the counter-argument. Why do you think that giving someone a wider audience for lies does

I still think the time is perfect for him to do a prequel movie, sans make-up and supernatural elements, as the creepy old janitor who descends into madness and murder. In the right hands, I think it could be scarier than the original.

I just saw a video on Tumblr yesterday where cereal was steeped in milk then strained out, and the milk was used as an ingredient in baked dishes. This is making me more and more interested in that idea. :)

Not everyone plays games for a sense of accomplishment. I play games for relaxation, a chance to enter a world where not everything has dreadful consequences and I can enjoy myself without fear of failure. I want a low-stakes, easy game because I already have enough challenging shit to deal with in my actual life. :)

Zumbo’s was great. Zumbo himself is... he’s just nice, you know? He doesn’t have a lot of screen presence the way that Gordon Ramsey does (or the late Anthony Bourdain did), but at the same time he’s friendly and talented and he knows his stuff so well.

1) Plenty of prosecutors build conspiracy cases like this through financial records, correspondence, and other circumstantial evidence. It’s usually how they get Mafia dons; you build up a chain of evidence through their finances showing that their signature was on illegal financial transactions. Can’t argue with a

For me, it’s the former. Trump is a con artist, and he’s a very stupid con artist. He’s gotten away with it because he’s essentially flown just far enough under the radar that he can get away with paying fines to the feds, but anyone taking a good look at his operation is going to find a lot of dirty shit going on

I gotta admit, that makes it sound pretty classy. “ExCUSE me, I do NOT ‘fap it to Bigfoot’. I am a devotee of Bigfoot erotica, thank you very much. You make it sound so... tawdry.”

His campaign-themed filk of “More Than a Feeling” has proven remarkably unpopular.

I can just picture both pairs finding out what was said and writing little condolence cards to each other.

Not gonna lie, I’ve enjoyed “Nailed It” and both “Sugar Rush” and “Zumbo’s Just Desserts”. I am a sucker for hour-long “people compete at timed tasks that require high degrees of skill” shows. (Hulu knows about my ‘Forged in Fire’ addiction. I don’t even care.)

I’ve heard that particular theory as well, and IIRC Moore alludes to it in the book. I think Moore was trying to say that knowing it was this guy doesn’t make anything that happened make sense, though. Like, okay, we now know that it was this Polish butcher who turned a human being into a ruined pile of flesh... does

He gives all the money to his artists, because he’s aware that simply refusing to sell would deprive them of needed income and he’s not willing to make other people suffer financially for his moral stances. But he doesn’t profit by these, and if it was up to him they would never be made.

There’s a great visual essay at the back of the book called “The Dance of the Gull-Catchers” where Moore discusses the idea that not only is the theory he presented absurd, the entire idea of trying to figure out Jack’s identity is inherently absurd, because it’s not like you can bring him to justice and it’s not like

I’d be surprised if anyone watching ‘The Talking Dead’ didn’t hear about this? As to whether it we’ll affect ratings, obviously we’ll have to see. There have been no Hardwick episodes since Dykstra’s accusations, so we won’t know until he comes back whether his audience is repelled by his abhorrent behavior. (You can

My argument has always been that what Chris Hardwick provides of value to AMC is his ability to project charm and charisma on screen--that is to say, you want a host that people look forward to spending time with, even in a one-sided interaction like video. If Hardwick behaves in a way that makes the entire world

Wasn’t his character fired for doing that, as part of an entire episode showing how nasty and pointlessly spiteful fans could be over things that were insignificant and meaningless in the greater scheme of things? Because that was what I took away, that you were supposed to be kind of rah-rah’ing along to his rant

“The fate of the motion rests with Republican leadership, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has dismissed impeachment as “far-fetched.” Still, Meadows says he may circumvent leadership and force a vote on the House floor late this week or in September.”

Randian techbros and Russian oligarchs are working hand in hand on this. They have a common and immediate goal, ending the sanctions against Russia and opening it up to economic exploitation, and they share an authoritarian worldview. There’s no need to invoke an “or” in this situation.