
Except that a) being successful in the music industry should be about how good your music is, not about how good you are at ferreting out scam artists, and b) as they’ve said, the scam is so widespread and so endemic to the industry that a young artist could legitimately believe that it’s simply how booking talent

**jaw hangs open in astonishment**

Well, before we give them too much credit for being “sneaky”, let’s remember that they tweeted out the contents of those emails before saying, “But hey, nothing happened at the meeting,” as though that’s an actual defense. :)

It hasn’t gotten more fragile since the Internet, we’re just hearing about it more.

Spicer: I think there’s two issues. One, as I mentioned earlier, there’s the collusion, which we’ve seen no evidence of so far.

I really don’t think it is. Amazon has insanely deep pockets and a desperate desire to turn themselves into a streaming service on top of everything else they do, many companies like Disney and CBS are starting to bring their material in-house rather than earn a smaller fee licensing it out, and Hulu is just as

Except he’s not doing corporate-speak. He’s doing kayfabe. The key to understanding Donald Trump is that he thinks of this entire Presidency as no different than doing a guest appearance on WWE--he stands in front of the cameras, does his “heel” routine the same as he did with Vince McMahon, and assumes that once the

But Netflix didn’t “drop” them, it lost a bidding war for them. I keep hearing this about movies, too--”Why did Netflix give up on movies?” They didn’t. The movies just became harder to get. Now that streaming media is a big business, it is impossible to get all of the content aggregated in one place like you used to,

Oh, man, that response was so great--You’re My Best Friend now!

With all the controversy swirling around the film, the producers were probably just waiting for the Hammer to Fall.

He was hoping Donald Trump would conduct the investigation.

Shitty people need to believe they’re not shitty people. When they see other people talking about engaging in the same behavior they do, they can then tell themselves that being a racist, rapey child abuser is normal behavior. That’s very important to them, because it keeps them from ever having to examine their

It wasn’t “nobody can get on or off the island”, it was “nobody’s willing to risk trying to get on or off the island given that the madman in charge is willing to set off a nuke if he catches somebody trying”. We’re not actually told much about the security arrangements, but from the looks of things it was “men with

THRILL as Batman walks long distances!

Yes, how would we ever know how Batman snuck into a secured location without it being shown in elaborate detail? I mean, it’s not like Batman’s known for sneaking or something. They really should have made it an eight-hour move so that they could show us, in real time, every second of Batman moving silently past

Honestly, the first ending makes the most sense. The second ending requires Mrs. Peacock to have snuck upstairs in full view of Professor Plum, shut off the power, snuck back downstairs to bump into the furnace in the dark to provide herself an alibi, then ran back upstairs to kill Yvette,the policeman and the singing

As I said, most papers are owned by billionaires who can soak huge lawsuits up and fire off equally huge countersuits. You think Peter Thiel is suing Rupert Murdoch like this? Hell no. And that’s not because Rupert Murdoch is carrying out unimpeachable, impeccably sourced journalism, it’s because he can make Peter

But are they strict disciplinarians because that works better than other coaching strategies, or are they strict disciplinarians because that’s what they were taught to do and that’s what the institutional culture of sport expects them to do?

Honestly? Lots. Like, almost all of them. But most of them are owned by people with deep pockets themselves, who can shield them from the kind of assaults that killed Gawker. But if you think for a moment that Nixon (for example) wouldn’t have loved to find a way to bankrupt the Washington Post and send every single

Everyone worth reporting on has long memories and deep pockets. If you’re not pissing at least some of them off, you’re not really doing journalism.