
Anything with a mouth can bite.

They sit at the convergence of a lot of different forces in the conservative movement. Evangelicals don’t want their tax money to go to secular schools, and would like to loot the public treasury and give the money to private schools. The ultra-rich send their kids to private school anyway, and are mad that their

Plus, there’s a lot of subtext. ‘Slither’ is all about the arrogance of thinking that we are above and outside of nature. We see ourselves as stewards of the earth, custodians, and sometimes in our darker moments apex predators taking our due. The film reverses that, asking if we deserve the same mercy as prey that we

I can’t help but feel like you might have missed the point when you said “There is no God, but there decidedly is porn”. I’m not comparing porn to God, I’m comparing porn’s harmful effects to God—it’s a thing that true believers absolutely know exists, even if they’ve never been able to prove it to anyone and all

Hate ages a motherfucker.

Capsule version: An elderly rich guy creates the Super-Internet, a virtual reality that’s so awesome and has so much to do that everyone basically wants to live there. Like Second Life, if anyone actually wanted to play Second Life anymore. He dies, and leaves a will saying that he leaves his company and vast fortune

Would, hell. You apparently don’t remember how George W. Bush won the Republican primaries—he had his operatives spread rumors that John McCain had an illegitimate black daughter to kill any momentum McCain might have had going into South Carolina. There’s documented proof that hearing about a Republican who has black

The thing is, all of that has a great big “[Citation Needed]” on it. Most of the ‘research’ on the harmful effects of porn can eventually be traced back to the same sources, most of which are think-tanks run by evangelical Christians with an axe to grind. “Porn is addictive and psychologically harmful” is the

Rogues are for people who want to [...] blur moral lines in role-play.

I’m glad you enjoyed them, but they didn’t click with me—they felt more like tedious delays than meaningful scenes, just something to get the film up to its run time.

And if that’s what Roth said, instead of “um, yeah, well, crime is worse than ever so this is a real movie for our times and stuff”, maybe he wouldn’t be getting as much shit. He probably still would get some, because right now people are kind of sick of masturbatory gun porn because it’s a little bit tasteless in the

Even ‘Cabin Fever’ was twenty minutes of material stretched to ninety minutes of movie because short horror films don’t sell. He’s always had a fundamental problem of not knowing how to extend an idea past the pitch stage.

You haven’t licked your stovetop, so you don’t know it’s hot. Why aren’t you crawling inside your oven to test whether or not it’s working, for that matter? I am sick of you judging your decent, forthright, upstanding appliances like this and demand you press your face as hard as you can against the burner every few

So who was the real mastermind in all of this?

Grinding Nemo was the best.

Yeah, it was kind of a weird idea—like, “Can we make a new Star Wars movie and leave out the ‘movie’ part?” The 90s were kind of crazy.

It was designed that way—the book, video game, comics, and other materials were all set up so you had to get everything to get the complete story. Like, if all you read was the book you’d have no idea that Dash survived the final battle and faked his death. For, um, Reasons.

**Eric comes rushing up with a lamb shank** “I’m ready, Ivanka!”

Leia gets seduced by a space lizard with special sex pheromones that make human women go all gaga for him. The space lizard is trying to make Vader look bad in front of Daddy by killing Luke before Vader can bring him in front of the Emperor, so Leia hires Luke a bodyguard named, I shit you not, Dash Rendar who is

Side note: She might legit be into Elsa’s girlfriend.