John Saleeby

Was there ever a Steve McQueen Movie where he didn't fucking hate everybody? I doubt if Newman paid a lot of attention to him.

A Great Loss to Hollywood Formula Crap.

Larry Cohen is underrated Director who deserves Respect. Let's Erase Ron Howard, Rob Reiner, and that James L Brooks asshole from the Listings, let Larry step up a few notches.

He better have treated her with Respect and Courtesy.

Yeah. Wendy's is okay but I'm uncomfortable with them. I don't know why. Maybe I'm just sad cause Dave has passed away. His Autobiography really helped me get through a bad time.

Isn't he the guy who got all pissy about Led Zeppelin? Fuck him.

No, whatever John Oliver is getting ready to scream at us about on his next Show is the worst.

Yeah, but why freak out over Burger King Wine? I don't even understand why anybody would eat Burger King Hamburgers.

Maybe those guys over there have some pot. Let's go talk to them.

I forgot why I'm talking to you.

"Look at that man in his 'Home Of The Whopper' boxer shorts throwing up in the street!"

"Look at that man throwing up in the street!"

Don't worry about me, I'm dumping Face Book. That's what this is about, remember?

Wow, Burger King sure is desperate for attention.

I'm sorry.

Oh, geez, I forgot all about Samantha Brown! She's adorable. I gotta start watching TV again.

It's cool.

Desperate for attention? Miley Cyrus is on the Travel Channel?

The DNC is a Private Organization. Nobody cares what non members think. I doubt if the people in charge of it have any enthusiasm for having their Star Employee hollered at by an internationally notorious loud mouth.

Wayne Newton jokes in 2015. You guys are DANGEROUS.