John Saleeby

I always like it but when James Elroy used it in "Killer On The Road" I went Total Apeshit.

Weird. I just washed my face.

It would be funny! Funnier than a Movie where she's a Rock Star anyway.

That's a start.

So what's Streep's problem? I don't want to read the article. One of you Commentatuloids who is funny tell me what's up with her.

I can't watch "The League" cause that Paul guy is in it. Boy, is that guy ugly. Has Margaret Cho ever been on that Show?

I like his Jokes about when he fucked Beyonce.

You say Tomatoes and I say . . . Whatever you say, Dear.

I don't want you to just Laugh. I want you to THINK!

I always liked Jeff Ross when I was doing Stand Up in NY. And now that he's insulted Margeret Cho I like him even more.

I always thought they should make a Movie about the Poor Girl who got Married to her Boyfriend in New York, immediately found herself with her new Husband in the Back Seat of a Car with Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassidy on a nonstop road trip to New Orleans, where she found herself stuck in William Fuckin' Burrough's

Aw, so he's a Liar. Maybe he should go into POLITICS!!!!

When that guy pulled the Japanese girls eye out of it's socket and she threw herself in front of a Train so her blood splattered all over the Station, that was some real Gene Kelly "Singing' In The Rain" exuberance. That's just awful. I never needed Eli Roth Movies to know that such an event would be horrible. Anybody

"Wolf Creek" is a good Movie. The "Hostel" Movies stink. But they're better than "The Strangers". Go to my site to see a chart I've drawn up to illustrate these ideas.

It's a pretty creepy Movie. The Clown is a Demon that eats KIDS. A Demon that eats chicks in bikinis might be easier to take.

That would Work.

He's a Prime Example of the kind of Horrible Male that Horrible Females find attractive in Horrible America.

You had to post that when it's starting to get dark outside!

I jut watched a Horror Movie Roth Produced called "Clown". It's EXACTLY what you would expect from "a Horror Movie Roth Produced called 'Clown'". Maybe I should emphasize that it's ELI Roth there. A Horror Movie that David Lee Roth Produces called "Clown" would probably be really cool.

I like Eli Roth but, what a jerk!