This is awesome. Now when there’s a school shooting, the students will have something to dress the bullet wounds with.
This is awesome. Now when there’s a school shooting, the students will have something to dress the bullet wounds with.
Well, if there’s any good news here it’s that people are jumping all over her about her politics and not her transformation. So maybe that’s a small step in the right direction?
All I see when I look at that microphone is GERMS!
If you’re moving slower, just move to the right. Don’t be a dick.
Yeah. It was. He was endangering the lives of all the other people on the road. Fuck him forever.
Welcome to the wonderful world of licensing.
I touched a Rembradnt once. Couldn’t help myself.
“No makup”. Except, of course, for the lipstick, eyebrows and foundation. Otherwise, though, NO MAKEUP!
God forbid these dumb cunts do some actual research into what the hell they’re voting for. Democracy is doomed.
Wow. Powerful, beautiful, amazing.
Why? She’s a fiction writer. She’s literally making shit up. I don’t think she needs a fucking writing coach.
“It’s not “your” world. It’s our (real) Native world. And skin walker stories have context, roots, and reality. You can’t just claim and take a living tradition of a marginalized people. That’s straight up colonialism/appropriation.”
The show is actually pretty good. I was surprised.
The kid just wanted her to “shut the fuck up for 5 minutes about your goddammed guns. Jesus! Nobody cares!”
Oh, who gives a shit. These women just need to get over it.
Your boss is a witch.
Shoulder time is the best time. Goddamn, I miss my cat............
New rule. People who don’t watch shit in a timely manner and then bitch about other people talking about it will be immediately taken out to the backyard and shot in the face.
Best dad ever. Pretty damned classy President too.