
Everytime I do that to one of my friends I get punched. Obama is so patient.

Fuck Betty! Boo! Down with Betty!

“You too can be a millionaire! It’s easy! First, get a million dollars...”

What you say is partially true. As a business owner myself, I “work for” my clients. But my point was that I’m not an “employee”. I run the show.

They should have named them “Sunday School Craft Project Sandals”. All they’re missing is the glued on dried macaroni.

Oof. Yeah. I see how renting rooms could be sketchy.

I find that you get better quality tenants when they sign a 1 or 2 year lease. But I’m renting out single family homes, not just rooms, so that’s just my experience.

I do it. It’s not so bad. In addition to my fulltime gig, I make almost as much in my sideline (I sometimes have to employ a few freelancers to pick up the slack). Additionally, I have several “passive income” ventures in the form of rental units. But yeah, I only get about 5-6 hrs of sleep a night, so there are

Me too!

Yeah. That VO is terrible.

Yeah, but that doesn’t really help me in here!

How is that possible? We’re doomed.

You forgot the most important one. “Work for yourself”

It’s simple. Her husband was the first black President.

Haha. Just bustin’ chops.

Shitty writing. Expecting you to click through shit to get the whole story. Click bait, baby!

You find children sexy?


How the fuck has a high school graduate not heard of apartheid? I think I’m beginning to see the bigger problem here.