Or the 70s, or the 60s, or the 50s..................................
Or the 70s, or the 60s, or the 50s..................................
This happened to me recently, but luckily my fellow passenger was cool and we just shared the middle table for our drinks and didn’t speak to each other.
That may be, but you don’t call a little kid an asshole. At least not publicly.
Good point. There’s nothing wrong with it. :-)
It’s already started.
As the father of two young daughters, I can’t express how much this show means to me.
I demand a lifetime supply of your erroneous comments.
That’s my point. ;-)
If she was cute, I’d care.
They’re children. They don’t think past the end of their hotpocket.
That, unfortunately, is the logic of a 12 year old gamer who’s up past his bedtime.
This is the best “react” video ever made.
Haha! I’m picturing you sitting there in a beekeeper outfit and then you suddenly hear a high-pitched buzzing in your ear.
I think having money (at least enough to not be freaking out every month when rent’s due or your car needs a new muffler) alleviates a lot of stress. Having less stress makes you happier.
We’re protecting our oil.
Fuck ‘em. It’s our oil.
He’s only 12. His concept of a “decade” is a little off.
All this does is show how powerful we are. Please, Mr. Iranian Drone Driver, keep doing our propaganda job for us.