
I’m a man and I’ve just recently started doing this too. Apparently, I was trained as a girl because I always instinctively want to step aside when people are charging right at me on the sidewalk. But NOT ANYMORE!

It won’t matter! Any endzone will work! Muahahaah!

We have a rule where I work.

I’m cackling at my desk right now and people keep giving me sideways glances. That shit is hilarious.

All you lazy idiots who rolled your eyes 10 years ago and said stupid shit like, “There’s no way abortion could ever become illegal again. Why is are we still fighting this?”, can go fuck yourselves.


The sooner all these old shmucks die off, the better. Jesus H.

Wait. One of the main supporting roles in this movie is a black woman. You people are fucking obnoxious.

It’s nice when cool people win for a change.

Yeah, but she’s a white lady so fuck her.

Oh good. Another budding reverse-racist.

Thank you.

Fuck Twitter

Oh fuck off. Take a win when you get one, idiot.

People who call in “noise complaints” in the middle of the day because kids are playing must lead a really sad, lonely, bitter existence.

Haha! Totally.

Yeah. That’s crazy and it’s happening all over the country. Turns out the anti-choice crowd realized an easier way to get what they want is to literally limit people’s choice. No need to try to change laws, just close all the clinics.

At first I thought, “Ugh. Off key and Mom Jeans”. But she pulled it out at the end. Very nice.

I heard a news story on NPR the other day and they were talking about how access to abortions has been declining rapidly in the past few years. Clinics are closing at an alarming rate throughout the country. To the point where there may only be one facility that even offers the procedure in some states. Women are

Me too. Sigh......