Start by learning how to drive.
Start by learning how to drive.
Sigh.........if you have to explain it...
You said it, freak. Not me.
I’m sure a few have definitely been up inside her. amirite?!!
He’s the real deal. Don’t let your cynicism keep you from accepting something good when it happens.
And marry somebody with a big dick.
You should have a billion stars.
Yes. And, btw, you don’t even need to puree baby’s food. Give them normal food and let them play with it. They’ll gum it, smash it up, and begin learning how it all works in no time. No need to buy over-priced, sugar-laced baby food or spend hours pureeing. Obviously, you supplement their diet with breastmilk or…
My dog subsists on nothing but sunshine and belly rubs.
Do people not understand that almond “milk” is literally almond flavored water?
Ugh. Trust me, I get it. :-)
You’ll probably have to deal with both. Trump Pres and Cruz VP.
Which might lead to some opportunity for somebody to fill the void. Don’t be so pessimistic.
That’s just their spin on it. Big box stores are doomed as a model. Don’t worry, localized economies will bounce back because they will have to (provided people elect quality public servants who don’t make shitty bets).
Sounds like a parenting fail.
Yeah. It’s all whitey’s fault. Always.
That whole “punching up not down” thing is fucking bullshit. Besides, these people are entertainment elites, all you can do is “punch up” to them.