
Thanks for this

I have done both of those things with a female friend with whom I'm not in a relationship THIS WEEK.

I thought the context was she didn't want to drink because she didn't want to act on her feelings for Dev.


Are those not worthy passions?

I feel like a death panel would deliberate and make judgments about who dies. Rather than just killing as many people as possible.


Don't forget rich!

It's very unlikely that we're going to have WWIII.

Best comment this week. Well done.

Infinite Crisis is the one where he comes back. Crisis on Infinite Earths is the one where he dies.


I still forgive Marnie everything because she's hot.


Is this show funny?
Should I watch this show?
Will I laugh?

Officer Deputy-Mayor Captain Detective Lance

It is not expecting too much to expect a website to fit the content to the available screen size.

David Lynch? Is that you?

The massive erection I get every time I see her indicates that we're not at all over that look.

Excellent Nabeshin! I see you're still a ninja commando from hell!