the first game was fun for the first few days then it just got a bit..."meh". Still though I did enjoy running up a the side of a building and then jumping off so I can elbow drop a tank lol
the first game was fun for the first few days then it just got a bit..."meh". Still though I did enjoy running up a the side of a building and then jumping off so I can elbow drop a tank lol
BC2, NFS: HP, AC: BH, SSF4 and MAYBE some Killer 7 :P
@sunsethawk: I'd say since 4 the games started to lose its magic...american wasteland is when I stopped playing tony hawk games...actually I did play DHJ for like 2 months then sold it lol. THPS2&3 and thug 2 are still my favourite
wow that does not look insteresting at all. For a fighting game..there is just no pace that a fighting game should have. Play wii sports boxing to see what Im talking about :)
Shit talking and gloating is part of online gaming culture. Has been like that for over 10 years. If you cant handle that and feel you need to exact your frustration in Real life then honestly you should just not be playing games at all....well at least online ones. I mean Even I get a little pissed about online…
Damn it I thought this sonic on a hoverboard seires was over :P
The sonic rider games were very crap and were just a rip off of kirby air ride on the GC...Please stop putting Sonic and co in cars and on hover boards
@Grimwood: HL2 a bad game...right. I honestly dont beleive you have played a HL game tbh
The sonic Cycle is constantly fueled by "sonic blindness". Gamers with "sonic blindness" are the fans who dont care how bad a sonic game is...and will just buy it...because its sonic -_- We really have to stop throwing gasoline in the fire so we dont get stuff like shadow popping caps in bad guys asses, sonic and…
The game is "meh" after a while...if you have most wanted and carbon...they just mixed the 2 worlds together and added mmo elements to it. Its ok but its nothing special :)
The should remake super star wars that was on the snes and make it look like this :)
it looks decent for a wii game. Better than what sonic unleashed look like on the wii...but why no colours on the 360 or ps3? :P
@Good news, everyone!: As Epic as the music is the game as it is now is still trash :( Would be good questing in the original plains again though
Burnout paradise is just not as good as the older games. IMO the game just was kinda lazy. Burnout 2 and 3. Those where the high points of the series. Burnout paradise is probably the lowest.
didnt Ash's dad go on a pokemon journey aswell to be a pokemon master when ash was a baby? He has not been since so is failing hard probably..Ash is really following in his fathers footsteps :)
THQ are still making games?
The real problem with the whiners is not that the game has the taliban in it. It is just that the game is representing a war which is not currently won by the "good guys.
why could it not have been chell and gordan freeman as the co-op characters :P