
I have been building PCS since I was 12 and I am 30 now! It is really fun when you get all your parts together and start piecing them together. My dad used to bring old PCS and parts from the holiday inn he worked at and I would tinker away for hours and dismantle then reassemble them. My first gaming pc I built from

Does anyone actually know the full story between Noel Brown and the Girl in question? Evidence has popped up that the girl admits they were “goofing around” but does not want to tell anyone. She is more mad at the fact that Noel Brown exposed their chat log which in turn exposed a side of the girl that she did not

For the last time the Vote was for a VIDEO GAME CHARACTERs and Goku is ANNNNIIIIMEEE

Just bubbLe hearthstone

Are they at least going to show the Dinosaur?

Sorry to say this but in episode one I stay in the room when David came in and you know what Chloe did? Put the blame on me for the weed. If you take the blame she then she starts waving the gun around like an idiot. Chloe is very self centred and constantly guilty Max into everything. Just look how she was in the

Sonic 06 is the product of fresh out of university students that were given a project they just could not handle :(

I am going to make my kids play Sonic 06 as a punishment if they play up or misbehave

My experience with the Japanese has not been bad tbh. The lag is nothing to complain about as most of the time it ends in a trade. Only thing I would say is that the meta on this game is huge for a casual game and the Japanese are exploring it quicker than others.

This is the reason I don’t want to introduce my friends to wow. They would miss out so many cool zones and quests. I play my low level hunter a year ago. I reached Outland at level 58, did all the quests in the first zone and by the time I got to Zangar marsh I was level 66... That never happened back when the burning

Any alliance alt I started I would always get myself to Westfall to start leveling

The series died after underground 2. Everything after that has been pants after that game.

yes you have to use everything and i am enjoying the combat much more. I love picking up weapons and beating everyone with it

What is funny is that the new reef hub world is not new at all. You can actually see that it was originally meant to be in the final game from the early trailers. Makes me mad how this great game is being handled; broken up content used to milk money from the gamers :(

You should do a Kotaku reader vote for yhe tracks and post the results

It is like no other games exists. 60 to 70% of the reels of late are GTA V

Or perhaps they are just advertising the game? It is all the same game if you don’t care about frame rates and ultra high graphics So no harm done really unless there is some game changing features that makes each version different.

What you are asking for is is like trying to Watch Scrubs without JD’s Internal monologue.

I for one am glad there is no voice chat on the the nintendo games. There are a lot of idiots out there. One thong nintendo could do when playing randoms in smash is obscure the player names that are on the character select screens as well as the mii avatars. Met with some players using the name system as a way to

Gamers nowadays are really picky when it comes to games and expect games to deliver some sort of overly epic story with intrigue and intellect as if it is their god given right to have it. It is attitudes like this is why we get games like the order 1886. Nice visuals and story...but no good game play. The most