
I didnt know FPS Doug was playing TF2 I thought he was still on CSS

So this is essentially.......Slow TH downhill jam, with a snowboarding section and a crappy motion board. Man Tony Hawk games has not been the same since Underground 2. Anything after that has been kinda trashy and boring.

yeh but where is my wii version of Star fox and F-zero :P

no Star fox or F-zero?

I might be able to pick up a nfs game after 4 years...Carbon was awful. The only thing they got right in that game was the fact that they had some cool classic muscle cars :P. Most wanted was still my favourite. Nice balance of the underground series and the Hot pursuit games

after so many failed 3d spaced MK games they finally return to a 2d plain

Why dont we get any of these comps in the uk >_

one is older one is younger..what is so weird about this???

hehe my cousin is muslim and even he found this funny. Really no harm done by it :)