But didn’t Varys effectively say that the reason he followed her was she seemed like the best of a bad bunch of options? And that as soon as Jon came along he was actively conspiring to get rid of her?
But didn’t Varys effectively say that the reason he followed her was she seemed like the best of a bad bunch of options? And that as soon as Jon came along he was actively conspiring to get rid of her?
I suppose I saw it as a bit of a parallel to the dropping of the A-Bomb and the message it may have been intended to send to the Soviets. It was a great big loud message to Sansa that people who fuck with Danerys risk not only their own lives but the lives of their people. Cersei didn’t care about that sort of stuff…
But she’s always been evil. Her whole thing is she deserves to rule Westeros because of who her shitty, evil father was. She’s Ivanka Trump with Jon Snow as her useless, dumbfaced Jared Kushner.
Maybe it’s just me but aren’t we sort of conflating the ideas of madness and evil? Killing innocent people in war is evil but not necessarily madness. Genghis Khan killed so many people in his conquesting that he altered the Earth’s environment but we think of him as a grade A jerk, not a funhouse lunatic. There was a…
I mean, I’m happy to talk to you about that possibility now. The whole point of my post is that if the Raptors don’t win the title and Leonard leaves, both of which I think are more likely than not, then while it wouldn’t be what I want to see I’d still want the people in charge of trying to rebuild the Raptors to go…
There’s lots of alternatives to a reverse order draft. There’s a playoff, there’s the idea that the best odds go to the team who wins the most games after they’re mathematically eliminated from the playoffs, there’s giving all non-playoff teams equal odds in a lottery or even just all teams...and so on.
Well, I’m really glad it happened. Not just because Toronto sports has just been a stink-filled orgy of painful losses the last decade or how much a miss would have mirrored Vince’s miss against the Sixers 20 years ago.
I’m sorry but is the argument you’re making here that in American sports, sponsors and corporate entities are annoyingly front and centre?
Glad to see their game against Brighton and Hove Albion went according to plan but really it’s was just what they’ve been able to do all year. They were deadly against Frimsby FC, solid against Quival Town, had that stellar comeback against Vinswich Passage, blanked Buscestershire (both at home and at Wriggleby Road)…
Isn’t that sort of the whole point of the movie? Him realizing that many of their traditions are outdated and counter-productive? That’s why he decides to end their isolationism and embrace the world.
Is anyone on staff a collector of anything weird?
Why Your Team Sucks:
(I am a bit, though)
lol its satire.
I also can’t stand listening to people talk about hockey with southern accents.
I’m chuffed to bits for all the lads, blokes, guv’nors, toffs, oiks, coppers, chinas, remoaners, brexiters, lexiters, Lib-Dems, Rhys-Moggses and Queens.
1. I’m not American.
We here out west are pioneers, infused with that pioneer spirit. So we’re a little suspicious of any policy that doesn’t begin with genocide cloaked in the sheen of personal bravery and hardship.
Man, Ringo’s songs don’t even rate a mention. Cold.
I like this new Raptors strategy of having guys who are good at basketball in the playoffs.