Geek On Me

LOL Jesus man. Glad I wasn’t the only one to think of Unknown when I saw the list. Guess it’s not actually Sci-Fi, but it was good enough for a mention for memory-related movie lists in general

For the life of me I can’t remember if I’ve seen these or not. 

Pagliacci Joke (2019 redux)

All non-violent criminals should be punished through fines, monitoring, and probation. Never though prison sentences.

Here’s the true answer: Every single Toad that puts on the specific princess crown can and will turn into Peach. Why do you think there’s a Toad at the end of every castle in the NES Mario? The crown is passed around as a means to manipulate Mario into “liberating” castles all over the mushroom kingdom. When the Toad

Yeah I thought that might be a possibility too.

This show is fantastic. That said, I’m hoping there is more to this than just Parallel Universes because that has snuck up behind Zombies as the go to trope for sci-fi shows. And THAT SAID, I won’t deny that parallel universes are cool, like zombies.

Hey, it already has its own title and/or tagline: “Here Comes Trubel.”

This is a horror TV spinoff, but I am still waiting for Trubel from Grimm to get her own series

I always thought Jeffrey Dean Morgan would be the perfect Batman for a movie adaptation of The Dark Knight Returns. Wishful thinking.

He looks like he was auditioning for Solo in that picture.

To be fair, there are only 7 basic plots. Everything is a rehash.

Now playing

This is an obvious one for me, just because of the theme song.

“You can’t dwell on changing the past. Concentrate on the present”

Anna Diop looks like a hooker in that costume.

“Their real legs are hidden inside the vehicle’s faux mechanical legs, each serving as stilts that allow the performer to walk around in the suit.”

It worries my that Spielberg overlooked this.