Geek On Me

There is no mention of a deal with Netflix, but it would make sense. I know Disney wanna run Netflix into the ground and they in return don`t want to help Disney achieve this.

Well, I never started watching after harsh reviews. Now I have to see episode 6, but it`s no nudity though? You mean lots of cleavage and women in underwear?

CW? Argh, This would have been so good on HBO or Starz. I doubt I will watch more than a few episodes of this.

The simple name of : Michael Caine, in his own accent of course...

So, I just check the page of IO9, to see if there are any new and worthwhile stories on the top part, that I used to scroll past every time to see ALL the newest stories. If I don`t see anything new, I leave. I refuse to jump trough a bunch of hoops, just to find the new stories.

I made a comment about it being stupid too, I think we all just need to do that and stay away for a few day or a week, maybe they get the message.

What is up with the new stupid layout of io9? Put back you stupidfaces!

LOL, I was thinking this should be done just a few day ago. I also predicted a cashless society when I was like six or seven. Anyways. Some people like subs, some dub. What ever you are used too, unless you want the nostalgia feeling of old Kung-Fu movies, as another commenter mentioned, I think people that do watch

I don`t understand why they still claim this is how they wanted to end it? Is it not better to say, we wanted a lot for an a grand season 4-5 then, yea, we planned a quick rushed ending. The fact that they introduced a kick-ass female vampire hunter character in the last 3 episodes or is clear evidence, in addition to

When the Parademon explodes exposition about the motherboxes with blood, I was like, wuut? That is so stupid, it`s like something you put in a cartoon aimed at pre-schoolers. Snyder cut was so much better, like the extended cut of Batman VS superman. Though that had some bigger issues.

Fortnite is gonna evolve into the Oasis isn’t it?

This page does WandaVision reviews, but NSFW ones.

It`s not a LARP experience where people live as a character and errors in continuity will ruin the emersion. It`s a theme park. I am sure it will be fine..

Regards to the opening scene, never watch trailers for something you might wanna watch, they`re made for .. .well, Trump fans and the like

Yea, ok. Well- this looks like a nice and fun film for kids - If you ar an adult... yea, enjoy it or get ottta here!!!

Funny Story, this came out in Malta in February, I went to se it with someone Maltese. I thought it would be dubbed in English, or subtitled in English with original audio- But, it was in Italian- with no sub. Many Maltese speak and understand Italian, mostly due to Saturday morning cartoons like Lupin being sent

Just like Constantine became a regular on Legends of Tomorrow after his show was cancelled, I think - and it might be a natural progression of the shows, that if she ends up going to the future with her hubby end of season 6, she could be in the Legions of Heroes show, instead of Superboy. So, that might even now be

I hope she shows up on the Superman show. I do not think she will die in the series finale, she could go to the future with her hubby, or to another galaxy etc, to make sense of her not showing up in Superman. But I hope for her showing up there.

Why is Release on pay not a thing? Like if you wanna make at least 800 mill of Black Widow or Wonder woman, set up a VOD type thing, where once people paid 800 mill total, it is released? A pre-order. You can cancel when you want, money back, and a clause saying if it takes more than 2 months, whole thing is

Can I eat somewhere else?