Geek On Me

As long as we can add some for Cassidy.

For extra amusement, they should film it all from the alien point of view. Then, as the invading human armada gathers overhead, the alien president can wave its tentacles and declare “... should we win the day, the Sixty-Seventh of Obblethroink will no longer be known as a Shiny-Carapace holiday, but as the day the

The music that entire episode was fantastic.

“Now that we actually live in a reality where Marvel’s Cinematic Universe can call itself home to the most iconic superhero in the world....”

“So what power did you get from the radioactive Indian burial ground? I got super strength!”

I stand firm in my belief that what Arrow needs is many more protagonists who also shoot arrows.

It’s only been two years since the last movie. Also, there was more nudity than I was expecting on the show — although most (all?) of it was Pepe.

No, no, no. We’ve got Siren. She needs to make her way to Star City because in the origin I created in my mind on Earth 2 Quentin, his wife and the unborn Sara all died in a car accident while rushing to the hospital leaving only Laurel who turned bitter and evil. Having her show up in Star City would give everyone

J;“Sansa, do you have any ideas?”

An Astro City story. Seriously, if superheroes ever could have a shot at a Best Picture nod, a well done AC movie would be it. Sadly, I really don’t think any movie studio would get why you would make a superhero movie and not focus on the superheroes/action ...

Stop. Linking. Videos.

“They can stop crime even without killing.”

Clearly, in certain cases, they can’t, which is exactly my point.

Because by this point, something has been royally fucking with bruce’s head.

I sell the show by telling them it’s exactly what an American Doctor Who reimagening would be... EXACTLY what it would be!

The result of this on FB has just been that if you don’t already post a lot and get a lot of traffic on those posts, you never will get traffic. I’ve essentially stopped posting because I get very little response, real life friends of mine will miss it because it won’t turn up in their feed and I miss a lot of my

I know. Every person I follow is someone who’s pictures I WANT to see. So just show them to me. In the order they were posted!!!

I used to spend a lot of time at LA clubs around 2005 and Jon Lovitz was ALWAYS hanging out by himself at parties where everyone else was about twenty years old. The guy always struck me as super lonely but unwilling to actually date someone his own age so he was hoping to score some young woman who thought it was

The best burn in the segment is describing Kanye as a bored sociopath with a finger free anus.

The problem I have with it is, every new sitcom, show and series has to have an LGBT character now, and more specifically, that character isn’t added as a cool character that just happens to be gay. No, they are a GAY character whose entire plot, subplots, problems, resolutions, etc all revolve around the fact that

I don’t know if it was meant this way, but it’s possible that “Samurai” here is plural and doesn’t refer to Tom Cruise at all.