Geek On Me

I did not watch Supergirl yet at that point, not 1th priority on my list. Hurried to watch it now after Arrow hoping for another crossover scene. but atlas, the same.. so yes. Then it makes sense not to mention it,

No mention of what I have been waiting since John Wesley Shipp was added to the Flash cast???? Original frikking 90's Flash! on earth 90!(original earth 1) Damn can’t wait for this crossover! He got away, will he run right to earth 1 and Team flash end of this flash episode?

What? How dare you not judge right away and condemn the man? -People have been straight up fired and shunned from Hollywood on mere accusations with no one Investigating it or any police reports made. And you wanna go wait for someone to look into the validity of these claims before judging? heresy!

So, obiusly the reson is so Amaya actress has a job, he will be able to restore her powers, as Amaya as her default shape, but only for a limitied time for just one shift at the time like 10-15 min or so, this way she is not over powered and makes for hijinks.

Also you dont lose and hour, when you die you wont have lived an hour less.

Are you saying, sometimes its ok to use guns? 

It makes no sense, just like Krypton. but that was “good” as in decent entertament, both could be it’s own thing, but yea, name req! Could be a good show, but as just a SAS agent working Security with a rich doctor it gives me nothing as I’m in for Sci-fi fantasy and Supers, and not regular action spy thriller stuff.

23 here in this picture from Decoys 2007 (there is a gif that goes with the picture not suitable for this page) This could have been taken today, same haircut too...

I will not GTFO with my comment, In general I do believe men like to look at women, I was not saying the only reason someone would watch a movie or tv show is due to there being a female protagonist to get off to.

So, anyone thought people that vowed to never watch doctor who again due to her being female now would not watch it?

See thing is it’s not memorable, but its realistic. Now it all depends on the type of movie and setting etc, but In a Die hard type movie, swearing adds realism. If I hurt myself I cry out: Faen i helvete satans fitte! not, damn it.

I did not see the unrated Wolverine cut, that move had bigger problems than pg-13

They are releasing a Pg-13 cut of Deadpool 2 soon, something I have suggested for years, make 2 versions- one wit F**k and nipples, and one for the kids with only gun violence beheading and endless killing(this is a joke on your rating system) But yea, max profit make Venom X rated and Pg-13 released at the same time,

So, a grop of random adults know nothing of video games and chose that last. If you had a bunch of geeks/nerds and a sports category it would be the same(mostly, some nerds like sports, like some normies like geeky things or games) I know nothing about sports at all.. Or what the larges River Canada is- Geography the

Got two good ones for you guys, Once Sci-Fi one not.


So I either it’s his real Devil face..... or, or - He has been there 20 odd years without aging, so being this close to the sound barrier between realities we is a look at how he would have looked locked in the cage BUT aging.

They are all nudists are they?

Down the line we get Jeffrey Dean Morgan As Batman in Flashpoint though, if the franchise survives that long. Only reason he was cast 4sure...

I would say this is a great opportunity to bring in a time traveling Archer(Scott Bakula) and see the begining of the temporal war/or end.