Geek On Me

If I had a decent body at the time, I would have let them show my head on top of the body, sadly I am not that bold. I respect the hell out of actors that go nude for their roles, and even more those to refuse when it is gratuitous. And yes, this was 2001, It was not online, googled it without luck. and it might be in

I dont know what you are talking about, I don’t assume anything. I think plenty of people love their bodies, wanting to show them off or not, I just dont. I don’t have to show myself naked to enjoy nudity in film. I simply dont understand where you get that idea. I support whaling and a good whale stake, I don’t have

Wish I kept a copy, think I might have one stashed away in my design stuff back in the old country.(Norwegian living in Spain now)

It’s not my profession man, you get that? my job description does not require me to be naked. If It did maybe I would not do it, maybe I would. If I looked good I probably would try to become an actor, and I’d do nudity. I think everyone should be glad they dont have to see me naked. I have had to do things that are

So yea, again I am not an actor or model. So why should I plaster the net with my nude pictures? In a related note when I did graphic design 1 year. The winning groups (not my group) idea for the poster in the competition for our 1st year exhibition wanted a nude guy on the poster. No one wanted to do it, so it almost

Well, I’m not gonna show you, that private. But I do hope the actor that plays me in the biopic reveals all..

So showing women putting on panties before going to get something would show more than them just going to get it. I cant speak for you, but if I am getting out of bed than I put something on, if I go 5 meters to get something than back to bed, possibly to have more sex in a few minutes I probably would not put on

I got the point of the article, and the people behind the show explain the reason behind the nudity, I attack the target audience for being prudes, saying if nudity distracts them the are to sheltered(by network tv and pg-13 film) to be comfortable with nudity they would have no problem with in their own lives(the

I think there are thousands upon thousands of network tv shows and everything on SYFY for people uncomfortable with nudity. The commentators mostly say, oh this could have been done without nudity etc, and yea. Everything can be done without showing nipples or genitalia otherwise. Sure one is allowed to have ones own

Or, I am so rich I dont care who sees my slong, as in altered carbon.

People in the USA is not, yes. Sure, Ortega could have put panties on after sex then a bit later went to get the stack, but in the same way as you say there is no reason for her to be naked, there is no reason for her not to be naked.

Really? I would think my arguments made sense, and that my sentence structure was decent. I am a tad bit upset, yes. Due to prude people reacting to nudity like it is a bad thing. Just as we are getting good quality shows containing not just the killing your MPAA things is swell for kids, but nudity and swearing that

Bancroft has just gotten into a new clone, the clones are kept naked in pods, cause why would they be dresses there.

Unless there is a kid sitting next to you, watch your entertainment proudly. you should be able to watch R rated films on your tablet, its for you not random people. And if they glance an nipple and have a fit, then its their problem. prudes.

So I said there is a lot of nudity in real life, and you covered it, yourself, bf husband doctors maybe people in the locke room at the gym. We see nude people everyday(even if it is just our own)

“Because, as many viewers have pointed out, the nudity in Altered Carbon can be distracting.” - If that is the case you need to get out more, real life is full off nudity. It should not shock or distract you when you see it on film, like a 13 year old boys muttering boobies and snickering. Nudity swearing and blood

that girl, from the wedding an the coffee place with Sisco and Enlongy... Perhaps.. hmmmm? looks the right light brown skin tone for their kid to have, also it is quite clear she is from the future etc.

I am with you. However when good people do bad things, they regret them. try to make amends. When bad people do good things, well that makes them feel good, but they bad things do not bother them.

So normally not everyone likes something even if it well made, I expect this to be a good film and I dont give a flying duck about reviews and never watch any trailers. But at this stage I believe that a bad review will brand you as a racist.