I dont thing anyone was thinking Tarantino was gonna make a pg-13 Star Trek movie....
I dont thing anyone was thinking Tarantino was gonna make a pg-13 Star Trek movie....
Colin was the perfect bad guy, and so obvious from the beginning. Johnny Depp first than Colin would have made more sense. or just Colin changing hair color and revealing a mustache...
Zack Snyder makes good supehero movies(Love Watchmen, BvS could have been bether I smell studio interference) Joss whedon makes good Superhero films. they are vastly different. Having one finish the film of the other would never work out perfect, it’s muddled. I guess they got him cause of his name and assosiasjon…
Well, to be fair they are all about the SY-FY, not Sci-Fi...... BUt yea, reality ghost hunting shows belong nowewhere. Also History Channel has an onslaught of programming that shows not about history, well they changed their slogan to History: Made Every Day, so I guess that makes it ok, still ghost hunting shows…
Prometheus and covenant would have been very different movies if the scientist behaved sciensy at all. I guess you would still have a “evil” robot like in Alien.
I rund a club, Bergen Sci-fi and Fantasy Appreciation Society. Fantasy really encompasses everything supernatural, like ghosts demons etc.
Horror movies where people act rational and make good decisions would rarely last more than 30min, just build up and the thing stopped etc. Just saying.
My position has always been. I like cool dudes, but prefer hot chicks. I welcome the female doctor.
Yea, I don’t think it matters if it is badly animated or has bad jokes. If it is frozen kids will want to see it, cut the ads(it’s not like uou pay money to see the actal movie is it?) or the previews. They are only spoilers anyways.
We will have to make allowances, as in all TV shows, Hank could change to someone he did not hate as people know, him coming to his dad as black dude and him turning to one, and staying back people even alone. is solely pg budget. in comics that would not happen, etc...
Here is where it makes even less sense, yea Barry wont go man of steel and kill Tawne, but you know .. he could knock him out cold and put him in a cell.... No say, just go.... Same thing they did with Magneto glove woman.
It is the biggest problem with Speedsters and Kryptonians etc, Kid flash could come over every night for pizza, but its a big thing ahh you are back when she shows up, same for Superman in Supergirl, he stays in Central city 2 weeks and take goes back, he could fly over and watch Tv with Kara 3 times a week. Actors…
I can’t believe Stein died, he was only two days away from retirement...
Yea, but they should always use them. So many first contact misunderstandings ledning to many dead could be avoided.
He is immortal though, might have shed his skin return to his 20 year old form as his own uknown son... Once he decides it’s time...
Yupp. See most superhero movies twice at the cinema, Ok has turned to good. Could have bern better yea. Guess that directors cut might deliver that.
Well, actal good word of mouth would put millions more butts in seats than a few thousand more screeings first weekend. Another 20-30 min could have pushed it from good to excellent
Sure it would be interesting to see his version. Now what I am more interested in is a longer cut in theaters!
My bugs.
He touched people without gloves knowing they would want to bang him due to the pheromones said nothing. That is as rapey as you get, not to him cause his culture is different. what creates the hi-jinks.