What was that I would be a million years old but here... .Award pause, joke? I did not get it.
What was that I would be a million years old but here... .Award pause, joke? I did not get it.
MORE SPOILERS*****************
Yes, you are mixing Dc and Marvel full on there, I did not actually read that sentence the first time around. So I guess it was all on purpose, for Lols.
Hydra is Marvel... But Hitler was pretty bad yea...
Well, I can see world war I not getting her to give up on mankind, I mean it was Ares that put them up to it partially. I can however see her give up on mankind after wold war II. As that was all us, and more horrific. Continuing with the Korea and Vietnam war, I can see her staying away from major conflicts. I mean…
Arne Darvin? did not, had to google, have not seen TOS or DS9, but everything else, including the cage. But in this case Torchbearer is not trained in human behavior, and have had a few weeks to learn it?
They discover how to make time jumps with the spore drive and starts the temporal cold war? erase them self from memory and history. Start section 31 .. etc?
So, if lieutenant flyboy handsome is a Klingon that is the most preposterous thing ever. There is no way ever that Klingon would be able to act and pass for human like what is happening in the show. that human insight to what people feel when they die? And why would the Capatain rapey queen try to stop him from…
I agree, the 2016 season was 6 episodes so I though it would be like a mini series, all about the ufos etc, but it was half and half, and though the werehuman episode was hilarious, I wish it would have been serialized.
Loved Sg-1 and Atlantis, I think the whole semi-serialized like that, with some bottle episodes and planet of the week works, but only with and ensemble cast. X-Files had to little to work with, and as stated in others comments showed little of their life outside work.
Love the good place, Trial & error had gone under my radar, thanks.
Yea, for just a laugh this is good, I’ve seen some of season one most of last season and following it this season so far, just funny and do don’t need to have seen everything to enjoy it.
Might be, I assumed it was like Raymond. Only saw one episode. as it was horrible... almost 90% cliche jokes(fat, slutty etc), like 2 broke girls 100% racist stereotype and cliche jokes. Should have used another example.
That planet in ep4 produces 40 or 60% of all the Federations dilithium? and it is not well guarded? and there is not a stronger effort from the Klingons to destroy it?
So this is stand alone episodes, but I think the plan is for the charterers to evolve and grow. Like Gay Worf did when it comes to the female sex.
I love sitcoms where characters evolve there is a story. not just Everybody likes Raymond, Mike and Molly crap.
THIS! The days of a cast of 3-6 people monster of the week constantly taking you away from the main story. ensemble casts and overarching season stories are great.
In the Flash Tv show tradition we have hesitation for no reason.
Yea, sometimes the insert picture button does not work, I paste is photos now a days. then often it pastes two, sometimes you can delete one, sometimes only both. but you can get it posted that way.