Yea, there are no truly original ideas, only original twists on old stories. So are mine.
Yea, there are no truly original ideas, only original twists on old stories. So are mine.
I just spit balling here... But what a bout an original concept for a TV Show? Gonna come up with 5 pitches right now. All spy ones.
Now, this show makes much more sense if you imagine, Seth Macfarlane is playing himself. He was frozen cryogenicly in 2018 and tawned in 2150, he took an online captain course and just got his first command....
I created a small amount of rule 34 tracing in screenshots Illustrator(popular cartoons), all in good taste. I mean, I also have had real comics published and worked as an teacher and other done other useful things. But the first one, that is what will get me into heaven.
I went frame by frame, there is 2/3's of Daenerys nipple in the very beginning of the scene. Then nothing, I think they made like 5-8 takes, trying hard to not show anything nipply from her at all, and in the end they just went with the one showing the least... for some reason, Probably Emilia becoming diva-ish…
If I never knew this it would be great! now I’ll be looking and thinking about it while watching it, ohh, that looks like cg mustache removal! I would probably not notice if I did not know, thanks a lot!
Clean versions is a great idea, I have always said why not release different version of the same film. Imagine Pirates of the Caribbean, PG, Pg13 and R(Hard) with blood and titties. Sure in the olden days of analog film to expensive to shoot and edit. Now have Actors to 2-3 versions of some scenes. not all scenes need…
Sending flip flops? I think cancelling the subscription stating no sense8 might work better, corporations only understand the language of lost revenue.
I`ve read the comments and I agree, story about peoples reactions etc.
That is Equality though, there is no payback or getting even in equality... After Rosa Parks stood up to Segregation, no one suggested: Now all whites sit in the back back of buses on 1.December each year as a tribute, sign of equality or such. Cause that would be stupid and not not have anything to do with equality…
Something like ladies night? Well, that is becoming a problem too...
Probelm is you still have all the action and killing with pg-13, just without th blod spatters... Nipples and F**K is the big bad, kids wont die from those things... Stupid Americans, you all see
Sorry for the coarse language but F**K you and F**K the internet and F**K people...Because of your stupid gif, I know Wonder woman will be able to fly... Well thanks. I don’t watch trailers and hate spoilers, I close my eyes at the cinema when they shoe them, but after a trailer is released people just have to mae…
You can make any film black and white by turning the color on your TV down to 0%...
Remember the episode with the suitcase in the middle of the stairway in Everyone loves Raymond? I had that with my ex after I washed the bed sheets, Just thought I’d see if she would put them on ... she did not. We slept 3 night without before I put them on.... Good times, Communicating about house shores would have…
Sorry, but 1.April is long gone.... no go put the layout back the way it was.... What could you possibly achieve by putting articles to the right of the page suddenly, Io9. sorry to put the comment here, sure it was a great Star Wars sofa article.. but there was no: like how we F****d up our layout article?
I felt this was a bit of a Spoiler if that happens in the book, I read the recaps after watching the episodes, and have not read the books, buuuuh! Author of this article...
It does seem to make her shallow, or just give her less chips and it will be look good in a while. also how long would you have to give someone “some” extra chips every weekday for them to go from thin to the girl in the episode, I think it was not just her fault... anyways. I think it was not about her beeing shallow…
you mean Doctor what?
So, He has a bunch of his earlier sonics in a pen holder and the head dude get to borrow one, but ... he only has one though, and it changes the outer housing like the Tardis with does the inside(desktop theme). So he just happens to have more sonics in older variants lying around?