Was that Nick Cage Ghost Rider? Is those films canon now?!?!?!
Was that Nick Cage Ghost Rider? Is those films canon now?!?!?!
That’s how I took it too, easy way to ignore the sequels.
I’m lazy. what is the age difference between Glover now and Williams at the time of Empire? And how long before does the movie take place?
yea, I forgot about that...
Sara is bi as I understand it, and has swore of men after Ollie? cause out of the 5-10 people she has flirted, crushed, slept with so far in Legends they’ve all been women.
So silver and golden age comics are whack! now, all comics I read in the late 80's and superman films, Clark and Lois TV show etc has had him as a what I call traditional jimmy. I don’t know about new 52 and that stuff.
Jimmy is only Olsen in name. that he’s black does not matter. it’s the fact that he is a athletic handsome confident man and not a bumbling friendly goof. Jimmy Olsen would not become the Guardian.
Well, not what I ment though. I used Kristen Kreuk as an example because she does not look very asian, in the streetfighter movie she did the child version of the character was full asian, then she was the grown up version, And I was like.. sure people grow up to look less asian and go from single to double eyelids..
Stupid me, don’t want spoilers. Go to imdb to check an actresss name. See the name of the actor from the new spacepod. Knows who he is now.
Will probably be a half Asian though, like Kristen Kreuk...
This vigilante is a cowboy with guns! When and in what show will he show up in?
But, only he can kill, and be a vigilante. Stop all murderous vigilantes, turn them in to the cops, shot all wanabe vigilantes in the foot.. so say the law of green arrow
Now, he complains about having to buy new clothes all the time cause of bullet holes, and Claire said she know someone.I think having him meet up with Dardevil then with Melvin that makes him a yellowish shirt and black pants and some tactical bracelets would work out perfect. There was time and opportunity.
He is just saying adding a token black/asian guy/girl is offencive when it is shoehorned in. Not that there should not be diversity.
Where is my third season of Alphas?(no big bang theory jokes please. ) I’ll takethe two spin off movies please...
You mean midichlorians.... and thats what I read in the article.
So I can not have brown makeup on my face to be Black panther for Halloween ? I must be a whitewashed Black Panther or wear the mask all night?¨
Darkening your skin to do costume play as a character can not be done tastefully because the blackface used in early Hollywood movies and entertainment making fun of blacks using white people in offensive makeup.
I thought this discussion was settled, black face and brown is ok
I mean come on, you don’t make people wait until fall? how nice of you. it’s not like we’ve been missing it or anything...