
I just got mine on Sunday. I was a bit disappointed in the build quality of the hardware. When I tried playing it in hand-held mode, it creaks and cracks with just a moderate grip on it. I’m also thinking of putting two strips of thin felt lining on the inside edges of the dock to keep from scratching.

There’s a proposal making the rounds in the Trump Administration to deport people to Mexico even if they aren’t Mexican, as long as they entered the US from there. There’s also a change in regulation being considered to take children away from parents entering the country illegally. They are considering this change as

So let’s see if I understand this argument correctly:

Except that these dinosaurs have a tendency to procreate and teach these small-minded views to new generations. That’s how you get people like Paul Ryan actively trying to turn back the clock on our social progress. Remember, views like this don’t develop out of a vacuum, they are taught and passed down.

This is a mistake. If the media doesn’t give her a platform, the White House will create one for her (TrumpTV) and then they will have a soapbox from which to preach their lies with no one to hold them to account. They need to book her on more shows and call her out on her special brand of bullshit every single time

It’s great that the environmental effects of pollution and industrial waste respect state borders. I was beginning to worry.

Curious, all my man card says is “See wife for info.” Have I been manning incorrectly this entire time? I’ll have to check with Mrs. Havok.

It will basically come down to him issuing an Executive Order that will give them no room to do damage control, spin. or otherwise deflect. I’ve been saying this to anyone that will listen, I think that he will eventually start to go after the 2nd Amendment. To me, that’s probably the one thing that will convince

If Trump follows through with his plan to expand “Religious Freedom”, the remaining reasonable people of the US should form our own religion based on the concepts of respect, constitutional freedoms, belief in evolution, climate change, science, math, books, art, music, and most of all FACTS. If we file the right

The Koch brothers sat out of the Presidential elections. They basically saw it for the dumpster fire that it was and decided to stay away from it. The group fighting border tax isn’t really a statement by them either way. This weekend they had a retreat and issued a statement directly opposing Trump’s immigration ban.

Trump doesn’t have the full support of the Military. He cannot order US Armed Forces to march on US soil against US citizens. He doesn’t have that power. If he wanted to take over using military force, his only option would be to somehow declare martial law and federalize every state’s National Guard forces. Unless we

As it stands, the only thing democrats can filibuster is Trump’s Supreme Court Justice nominee. That is until the the republicans change the rules so that a SCOTUS nominee can be voted in by a simple majority.

It seems that many who voted for Trump so he could get rid of “ObamaCare” didn’t realize that the ACA they got their insurance from was the same thing. That just shows how effective misinformation can be. People take advantage of the line phenomenon (where people see other people in line and as the line gets bigger,

Clearly we live in a very divided country. Trump is widening that rift at an alarming rate. The upshot with that is that, as that divide gets bigger, more people are starting to cross over to the side of reason. And let me be clear, this isn’t about the left or right, about Republicans and Democrats. This is about

Write to the editors of newspapers and news networks. Start petitions. Basically, do anything but stay silent. I have a feeling that Trump’s administration is generating so much noise to make it easier to drown out the truth. It has been 8 days since Trump was sworn in, how many of you are already exhausted? I can see

His statement reminded me of this. I’m beginning to think Trump talks that way on purpose. That way, no one every really knows what he’s saying. Keeps everyone confused and off balance. But then, that might be giving way more credit than he deserves.

I’m not sure you realize the extent of how a 20% tax on imports from Mexico will affect the US economy. There are many american industries that make products here with components they get from Mexico. Supply chains that including shipping product components back and forth between the US and Mexico for different stages

They should definitely keep inviting her and Kellyanne for interviews. The clip above just showed more of the same tap dance routine Trump’s talking heads have been doing since his campaign started. If media organizations stopped interviewing Trump’s people, they would have the perfect platform to cry “Look! They

And that’s where the administration is wrong. This is the fatal flaw in Nationalism, it assumes that we exist in a vacuum. The US is part of a global economy. We can’t just build walls and shut down our borders and think we’ll be just fine. America First is an amalgam of nationalist and isolationist ideals that cannot

If you think about it, we’re going to pay for it twice. You fund the wall with taxpayer money, then tax imports. The country importing will increase prices so taxpayers end up paying for it again. Not to mention the impact it will have a local businesses in Texas who make products that depend on exiting supply chains