
I know you’re trolling, but dammit I’m gonna take the bait.

If everything takes place five years after The Snap, why are they all still in high school?

“Acrimonious” is a word known by enough people that it shouldn’t warrant this kind of reactionary response. The fact that you and the original replier are getting so much push-back here should tell you something about how silly it is that you’ve committed yourself to this position. The argument is that a mere video

A strong case could be made for treason.

He’s so full of shit. I hate this “back in my day” no one was fucking bullshit. It’s 100% not true. Teenagers have always had sex, and rape has always existed. He’s of the Bill O’Reilly ilk of old men who fantasize about a time when a loaf of bread cost a quarter and women kept their damn mouths shut. I can’t wait for

Because our side generally tells the truth and the truth isn’t easy or pretty or simple. The world economy has changed. Well paying industry jobs for people with a high school diploma are not coming back. Climate change is happening. We need to reduce our reliance of fossil fuels even if it’s going to cost us jobs at

“Write to the editors of newspapers and news networks.”

This, this right fucking here, qft. The argument that shutting the border and imposing a tax will help, not hurt the US economy is ridiculous. The ripple effects would be profound and affect industry across the board in a negative way, but Trump knows that. I’m just wondering how he’s going to squirm out of this.

I would really rather Congress etch that line as a trench in bedrock, then line the trench with the relevant Constitutional, Congressional, and Court laws.

But a 20% tax on Mexican products would be a tax on Americans who buy the goods. So Americans would be paying for the wall.

If things get that bad people are NOT going to worry about how to get guns legally. There are more than enough guns out there for anyone who will pay the price.

Lotta people get hurt when “the system” burns down. Lotta people die cruel and tortured deaths. Maybe you. Maybe your family.

I don’t know why people who advocate for this always see themselves as the survivors in these stories.

In support of this comment, I’d like to point out that if there is any truth to the leaked documents that claim that Russia is in a position to blackmail Trump, then a lot of his appointees start to make sense.

Challenge for the next 4 years: Find a story about Donald Trump where ‘this is horrifying’ is not a context appropriate descriptor of what is happening.

Trump also didn’t realize he needed to replace the entire staff of the west wing, you would think he would spend time getting that shit together

There is no legal provision for a “do-over” or a “nope, he doesn’t become president” as a direct result of a criminal investigation (or conviction).

I’m sure he does. But he’s also a narcissistic ass who thinks he’s smarter than everyone else, and knows better than anyone else how to do absolutely everybody. So he’s the kind of guy who would disregard the advice of a tailor because he knows what he likes, and what looks good on him. It’s like my mom has a

I searched my feelings and my favorite scene from Force Awakens involved the moment Rey and Finn got an upgrade on their rental car.

I think we’re getting to the point where people just find facts and reality itself offensive. I’m waiting for someone to sue the CDC for offending their religious liberty.