
While I won’t rule out the possibility that things could get dystopian movie levels of bad, I think the more plausible outcome lies somewhere between Trump digging his own grave (figuratively) and Congress just getting tired of his shit. Since the GOP is in control of both the legislative and executive branches, they

Action and context are two very different things. OK, you can come up with a few scenarios where grabbing a kid by the arm isn’t assault. That still doesn’t change anything. Going by Texas law, which applies here since this happened in Texas, you don’t have to cause physical injury for it to be considered assault.

I see two different scenarios unfolding in Washington:

I’m not missing your point, I’m dismissing it.

Actually, it is assault. At least according to Texas law it is.

This is a very binary issue. There are 2 sides and one of them is wrong. First, grabbing someone else’s kid by the arm or the neck is assault on a minor. Whether or not it was “choking” is what the courts are for. Unless the kid was attacking the man, he should have never laid a finger on him. The cop made up his mind

I’m surprised that I haven’t seen much coverage on his use of Executive Orders. From what I have read, all of the orders are being written by Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller without consulting anyone else. They are drafting and executing the orders at break-neck speed. As a comparison, Obama’s administration would

I don’t know when this started but I think Carl Sagan saw the signs early:

Along with calling your Reps, I’d say start writing letters to editors of newspapers and media organizations all over the country. Call in, email them, start petitions. Beg and implore them to have their journalists dog the White House on the irrational and frightening information blackout and related policies. We

All true, but I’m not calling for literally torching Washington. Though the outlook might be a little bleak right now. I think we’re still pretty far from taking to the streets in armed revolt. What I am saying, and I’ll admit I might have added a bit more color for dramatic effect, is for us to finally get rid of the

The press isn’t really doing much about any of this. At this stage, every single question from every single reporter should be, “If you claimed X is true, please provide evidence that supports that”. This should be on repeat for every single reporter in the White House press pool. They have to call them out on their

In a way it’s a good thing that people like that manager think it’s OK to act the way he did. That makes it a lot easier to tell who the ignorant assholes in this country are. That will make it easier to organize protests in front of his business and let everyone know they are doing business with a racist. It’s sort

You are correct, he is POTUS. Where you are wrong is that we owe him anything but scrutiny. I’m glad that you gave Obama a chance and are big enough to admit you were wrong about him. That speaks volumes about the kind of person you, reasonable. However, you cannot begin to put Trump in the same category as Obama, you

And as we are reminded every single time some one points this out, we don’t elect the President by popular vote. He didn’t win due to majority, he won due to geography.

The only silver lining is if Trump and his administration manage to screw up this country in such a spectacular manner that it will leave no person with more than 3 brain cells any room to argue otherwise. Maybe we needed this. Maybe we need someone that the entire country could rally against. Maybe in 4 years, things

The issue goes beyond proving blackmail. Let’s take a step back and look at what has already been proven and what is already know as fact:

This is why we’re going to have problems connecting with conservatives during this administration. The narrative has been firmly established that any criticism, opposition, or call for accountability is just bitter whining by sore losers. This is simply not the case. I don’t remember a single time in US history where

There are very few things in life that are immutable, death being the only solid one I can think of. Everything else is up for grabs. Any in this world can be changes as long as there are people willing to put in enough effort to change it.

I had been having some problems with the fact that I kept trying to tell myself “nothing else Trump (or his team) does or says is going to surprise me anymore”. But then I am still surprised, shocked, and outraged every single day. I felt disappointed in myself, I even tried ignoring and avoiding any news about Trump.

In this context, I think that it’s meant as a way to combat the slow boiling a frog effect. Sometimes we sit here and ask ourselves how normal everyday people in Germany in the 40's could turn on their neighbors, how here in the US, citizens allowed the government to round up Japanese Americans, take their property