
Holy shit, I thought I was the only one! I don’t know why but I grew up being opposed to raking leaves to my core. I would have no problem doing any other chore, I’d even clean the bathrooms. But never raking leaves. To this day my dad asks me why and I tell him I don’t know. It didn’t matter how much trouble I’d be

That’s what makes them enterprise solutions. I’m not talking about old school TruCrypt or whatever encryption tool comes with a new hard drive. These are centrally managed products that are used to secure entire organizations. They aren’t prohibitively expensive either. I’m just trying to point out that:

I think you’re missing the point of Enterprise level disk encryption tools. Sophos SafeGuard and Microsoft’s BitLocker (when deployed as an enterprise solution) are products that are centrally managed. Yes, each employee has their own key, but there are built in mechanisms for either retrieving the employee’s key or

It’s much more common. Products like SafeGuard from Sophos or even Microsoft’s BitLocker can be deployed across and enterprise with relative ease.

Unless the system’s disk are encrypted. Then all live CD cracking tools in the world won’t be of any use. Physical access only gives you an open door if the system wasn’t secure to begin with.

There is no way to weigh Trump’s unstable, delusional, incompetence against Pence’s theocratical, regressive, dark ages mentality. What worries me about Trump is a wrecked economy and the real possibility that he would use, or threaten the use of nukes against a major power ending in some sort of armed conflict, at

Normally I would agree with you, if those tantrums were a calculated move on his part to misdirect the public. The reason I keep suggesting this is purely on the theory that if you give this man enough rope, he’ll surely hang himself. I’m not saying we need to ignore everything else, far from it. I’m saying he needs

I think he needs more followers on twitter. Then every single person hate-following him should make it a point to send him 4 tweets a day with embarrassing facts, reminders that he didn’t actually win the election in a landslide as he claims, that he is a Russian puppet, that he has small hands. That would dismantle

Unfortunately, Ms. Nash is going to find the same result regardless of where she banks. Unless she’s submitting a picture of a puppy, a sunset, or kittens playing in a field of flowers, she’s going to get her design rejected.

This is like trying to choose which leg you’d rather be shot in. In the end, you’re still getting shot and you’re still going to walk with a limp.

Nope. That would mean Pence would become President, which would be a different kind of horrifying.

I think you are missing his point. Trump and his team have repeatedly stated that there is no such thing as conflict of interest for the office of the President and VP. He’s graciously doing all of us a favor by going as far as he has to distance himself from his businesses. He said it plainly this morning that he

This isn’t Alzheimer’s or dementia or anything like that. This is simply a sheltered, delusional, narcissistic asshole about to set this country on a path to the dark ages.

You can bet that this will result in loss of lives. What we are witnessing is Trump starting to form this administration like one of his businesses or more likely, like The Apprentice. He’s creating different camps that will end up competing with each other so he can get to pick “the best”. What will actually happen,

Just give him time. This is someone that publicly stated, while running for President, that we should be hunting down and killing the families (women, children, parents) of terrorists to send them a message. I am holding out hope that there might still be enough opposition to prevent something like that from actually

They still exist, I know plenty of Republicans that voted for Hillary because they just couldn’t stomach Trump. But I guess more to your point, many of them are starting to realize that they don’t fit today’s version of “Republican”

You know, that isn’t such a bad idea. Can you imagine the PR nightmare that would ensue if someone decided to bottle Flint city water, label it as such and send it by the crates to Chaffetz’s office and make sure the press was aware of it?  

We shouldn’t kid ourselves by underestimating the impact Trump is going to have. I was telling my wife the other day that this is the first President that stands to negatively affect pretty much the entire US population with his policies. The only ones that aren’t going to feel it are the top 1%, maybe they will feel

I can honestly say that I’m glad to be having a conversation on this subject with someone that sounds reasonable and can form arguments that don’t devolve into insults, it’s refreshing. I still couldn’t agree with you less on some key points:

I agree that every company is different. I will also accept that you have a much different perspective than I do in that type of industry. My observations, however, are based on what I have seen coming from Trump’s camp. Usually, I would be the first person to say, give the guy a chance and let’s see what he does over