
Steam should consider letting these people charge for mods. That’s a ton of work!

Yup, bottom line: lame.

It’s somehow a very unsatisfying video. I would have been much happier if he had never stopped.

Poor people should be allowed to enjoy games, music, and movies as well, as anyone else. No one should be denied something because they can’t afford it.

Extremely well written adventure game series known for character development and insane plot twists. Generally involve a cast of characters trapped in a death game.

It just goes to show just how bad twitter and hashtag culture is for actual discussions about issues.

Go to question that has worked to break the ice and get a laugh:

Then that’ll make developers make longer, better games. The steam store is already flooded with bad games.

So they’re mad that Japan left him out, when Korea itself also left him out of the posters? “we’re angry with you for not featuring something we didn’t feature ourselves either! RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!”

No it was not good. And evidence for that is that people only talk how awesome the fights are. This anime is not about these mechs or angels. The base of this anime are the last 2 episodes of Evangelion. Mechs are just a symbol for fear it could have been anything but mechs sell better.

This is one of those few times where the glitch should stay because it is hilarious.

For those who don’t follow the scene, ZeRo actually seems like a pretty nice guy. His arrogant statements are designed to provoke some controversy to heat up the other players. He WANTS them to be as good as him, and he’s going to keep poking them until they are.

That’s totally reasonable, I’ve never played through the first game. Fortunately for LP2 I actually had a group of friends who all bought it on launch day with me so we could all play co-op.

Hey now, Fahey! Lost Planet 2 was actually really something cool and unique. Yes, you need a co-op team to really enjoy it, but organize a round with some buds, and you have a campaign with some of the most unique weapons, mechs, and MASSIVE boss fights video games have to offer.

“They also took away my ability to express emotions!”

Plus it looks better than the featured Megaman-looking monstrosity.

I can tell a lot of things beyond the fact you don’t like sports.

Making false DMCA claims to create attention? Great idea, the internet loves those as we all know :D ... why not putting up a livestream, burning cats alive, I heard the internet hates them anyway.

Yeah and IF a major publisher spent 850,000 to develop a smaller scale game on the same level as these the neckbeards would have a temper tantum and throw a fit at it being a smaller downloadable title...What dont you people get that cry about shit like this. It costs millions to develop big budget retail titles,