Johnny Friendly

Never eat at Primanti Bros. Not even if it's 2am and you are very very drunk.

spread peace, love and understanding - but don't be afraid to get your knuckles bloody in the process.

like Moonlighting or Remington Steele?

Beat me too it.

It will just feel like 3 hours?

The Clue movie is actually pretty good.

No, he comes back as Roger Ackroyd and ever other victim of the Christieverse - that's the central unifying element - the grizzly murder of Depp

How about the one where Poirot is the killer?

Original or extra crispy?

I like Selma Hayek, but Beatriz At Dinner sounds like 90 minutes of painful sanctimony.

I really hate that expression - do you it's origin?
It's from the Schenck caseā€¦ Justice Holmes' twisted logic that upheld the jailing of a journalist during World War I for the "crime" of handing out pamphlets critical of the draft.

I could see that.
How about City of the Lost Children the TV series?

If you are going to use narration on an X-Men tv show - you have to go full Claremont - otherwise what's the point.

Ah. I remember that scene.

I would love to see a netflix/amazon version of Planetary (or Top Ten).

I'm not sure what about this says "horror story" - two words: demon bear.

Has anyone used Lovecraftian teddy bears in a story?

That's so very.

Did they hire Manimal to design this?
