Johnny Friendly

I am Comments

So Nog?

Gender flipped?

Not quite Love Boat, but close

I think Voodoo (one of the WildCATS) was a stripper.

I was pretty disappointed with Astro City too. Busiek can't seem to get back the old magic of the early stories.

Danny's not that interesting on his own. (Immortal Iron Fist being the exception) It's weird that they would have him in his own series.

this is more like what Hillary would do.

I come for the comments - not your asinine articles.

Yeah but how would you do the whole "DOOM!" hammering the anvil thing?

Classically trained vs. Method.
Classic wins.

Did you think Sucker Punch was a tense psychological drama too?

Live action version of winnie the pooh

Not as many as when Enter the Dragon came out.

You might as well ask "Why all the remakes?"
The answer is the same, the studio is trying to build on an existing brand. They'll manage to hook a percentage of the population just on the name alone. This is why Disney is pumping out those Space Wars movies.

Yeah, especially since one of the kids is holding a Wolverine doll.

One of the first comics I bought was the one where Kitty channels Sigourney Weaver and kills a demon with the blackbird.

Given the amount of dumb shit they put on this site on a daily basis - that's saying something.

I thought the Savage Dragon was fun.

A ballpoint banana?