Johnny Friendly

I think that's the one with Captain Marvel (Shazam)

Along side the Challengers of the Unknown?

Wait, those are two different people?

Superman Lives is basically Weekend at Bernie's 3 right?

I still say Indiana Jones at the Mountains of Madness is a great idea for a movie.

Harry and the Hendersons…. and ET

There's got a be an Escher in there somewhere.

Weird. I've listened to Carpenter and Russell audio commentary - they never mentioned that. One of the few commentaries worth listening too.

I'm starting to think you are some sort of Trump false flag operative.

I'm pretty sure it was HIllary & Berny promising all kinds of free crap - free college, free healthcare, $15hr minimum wage, etc. etc… I don't recall what Trump was promising.

How about Count Nefaria?

Kulan Gath - that would be awesome if they did movie based on that X-Man comic where he transformed New York into it's Hyborian equivalent.

He got sucked into the Cosmic Cube - he can pop back out whenever they need him.

Kang and all his variations - Immortus, Rama-Tut, Scarlet Centurion. Such a shame, he would have made a much better villain than Thanos.

MTV video games

Trask designed the Sentinels while muttering "Antropology's a worthless degree. Huh mom? I'll show you. I'll show you!"

Anti. Objectivists have an extremely rigid moral code.

Now I'm picturing a Kirby adaptation of that Sturgeon story More Than Human and it totally works.

'85's Squadron Supreme

He can't do anything - any legislature has to start in House and then get passed in the Senate. It's sound and fury to intimated his critics.